This forum is NOT TOXIC.

Only turns toxic if toxic people come by and are not ready for actual debates about the games. Or if trolls come by to troll and spread bait.
I have had plenty of polite debates about most Fallout games (Bethesda or not) around here. Hating something is not being toxic. Sometimes loving something blindly IS being toxic. I have seen worst cases of toxicity over the years in Bethesda forums, Bethesda Fallout games sub-reddits and Steam forums.
This is an old-school community, it's like the old "gentlemen clubs" (except women are as welcome as men around here). People come by, and can have debates if they can take the heat and actually defend their points. This goes both ways, classic Fallout fans also have to take the heat and defend their points.
If someone is easily angered, or doesn't take well to criticism, then this is not the place for them. We give and take, those that can deal with it will find a community here.
I have been here for a while, and everybody knows I liked Fallout 3, I defend it when it needs to be defended and I attack it when it needs to be attacked, I do that with every Fallout game, no matter who made it. And judging by the amount of "Likes" or "Rads" (as they are now known again) I have, I wouldn't say this is a toxic place.
It has some people who can be quick to resort to insults, but they can be counted by the fingers on one hand. The rest will love the opportunity to discuss and debate the games. As long as no one tries to change their tastes.
I'm here because this is literally the only place to go for Classic Fallout files or discussion. I'd just prefer to keep the hate talk to a minimum; unfortunately that's what this forum seems to be founded on because that's all people will ever talk about here.
People usually talk about what's recent in the Fallout industry. And to be honest, Bethesda Fallout games recently don't have much to talk about except negativity. Just look at Fallout 76, been released for months and still they don't get (almost) anything right... It's blunder after blunder, it's mistake after mistake, it's PR and consumer support right out of hell...
Unfortunately, Fallout always has few to no new things for people to talk about. Next time we will have a higher influx of people and content will be when Fallout 5 releases, and that will still take quite a while.