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  1. Erich van Loon

    It's been a damn long time. Started playing NV again

    It's been a damn long time. Started playing NV again
  2. Erich van Loon

    @TheGM (((my))) time to shine?

    @TheGM (((my))) time to shine?
  3. Erich van Loon

    @TorontoReign so it's not worth my time? I was interested in getting it

    @TorontoReign so it's not worth my time? I was interested in getting it
  4. Erich van Loon

    Krav Maga >>>>

    Krav Maga >>>>
  5. Erich van Loon

    Israel has been fun. 2 weeks quarantine, a week of freedom, now a lockdown. COVIDs startina...

    Israel has been fun. 2 weeks quarantine, a week of freedom, now a lockdown. COVIDs startina spike up o_o
  6. Erich van Loon

    For those that didn't see, Team Fabulous 2 has been remade as a...

    For those that didn't see, Team Fabulous 2 has been remade as a tribute to kitty ofc
  7. Erich van Loon

    Yay, house renovations! I also leave for Israel in 2 weeks! Exciting shit finally goin down.

    Yay, house renovations! I also leave for Israel in 2 weeks! Exciting shit finally goin down.
  8. Erich van Loon

    Ghost of Tsushima

    I've been enjoying it actually. I've found the sword-fighting to be smooth, the map is gorgeous and at a good size. The stand-offs are satisfying. Game has it's flaws, but it's pretty damn good.
  9. Erich van Loon

    Also a hurricane hit the US east coast. I didn't have power for an hour, some trees got...

    Also a hurricane hit the US east coast. I didn't have power for an hour, some trees got knocked down and one split in half. Other areas didn't have power for at least a few hours.
  10. Erich van Loon

    ^ whoever the fuck ran the Animal Farm farm

    ^ whoever the fuck ran the Animal Farm farm
  11. Erich van Loon


  12. Erich van Loon

    Thanks, thats beautiful :,)

    Thanks, thats beautiful :,)
  13. Erich van Loon

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    6/10 Whose mans is this?
  14. Erich van Loon

    Yes Ik. I'm talkin about the huge leak that just went down

    Yes Ik. I'm talkin about the huge leak that just went down
  15. Erich van Loon

    L is fuckin real after 24 years and 1 month

    L is fuckin real after 24 years and 1 month
  16. Erich van Loon


  17. Erich van Loon

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    The aesthetic looks cool enough. 9/10
  18. Erich van Loon

    While the city that never sleeps takes a dirt nap, I've gotten back to playin Spiderman PS4

    While the city that never sleeps takes a dirt nap, I've gotten back to playin Spiderman PS4