I got some time to play up to the groundbreaker, and honestly I kindof have mixed feelings about this game. I definitely want to like it, and I've found things that catching my interest, but the one thing I can not get over is how cartoonishly evil the corporations are in this universe. Forcing...
It's not a bad thing at a certain level, but when you ditch an experience entirely over a bunch of small things like a skeleton, giving women beards, and the way hair is colored, not to mention calling people who defend anything about the game hipsters or Bethesda fans... Well that's just...
Jesus fucking christ, I just read some shit. This is a misconception I've heard for a long time, and I've never heard of this statistic. What is true is that somewhere around 45% of transgender youth have attempted suicide, not necessarily went through it, and not the entire LGBT community. Yes...
Kiwifarms, other forums dedicated to mocking and ruining people, and plenty of other online trolls, especially on twitter have shown me otherwise.
How is giving more roleplaying options to people bad? I don't see giving people more representation as "tainting" something. Hell, if anything this...
No offense (or pun intended) but this right here is why I roll my eyes when people say it's only "the libs" who get easily offended. Who cares my dudes? If this is true, it's not like your being forced to play as a woman with a beard, that would be actually bad. If this is true, this gives...
Hopefully I'm not necroing this thread for a bad reason because it really fucking sucks to see a noble community effort just die like that, but out of curiousity why not just use Fallout PNP 4.0? What do you all think of it? It's not finished, but it's in constant development and looking to be a...
I'm interested in taking a few ideas given by the person who created Fallout Motor City and adding my own stuff to them. Detroit in the era that America could never culturally get past until the apocalypse was doing great, made military weapons and was a big front to the invasion of canada, and...
(I swear this thread has a point, please read to the end before leaving an angry comment)
I came back here to get ideas for a tabletop campaign I'm building up, because people have posted that sort of stuff in the future fallout campaign... yet the future fallout forum, along with Fallout PNP...
I'd rather not. Not only is there yet another branch of the Brotherhood there hinted in F3, but the Enclave may still have a presence there too. I'd wait a game or 2. If anything, Fallout 5 will most likely take place in San Francisco. Bethesda outright told Obsidian they couldn't make a game...
For a story I'm writing, I want to put a destroyed government bunker somewhere, but to do that, I need to understand more about the Enclave. To my knowledge, these things are true:
1. The Enclave were the ones responsible for giving vaults the all clear signal
2. The Poseidon Oil and Navarro...
In my personal opinion as one of the newer generation people, it's because New Vegas is arguably the best game in the series. I started off with 3 in 2010, and hopped to New Vegas several months later to see why many people liked it more. After I got through the meh first part of the game where...
Yeah, as long as people buy their games, Bethesda isn't going to care about fan projects, as long as everyone tries to stay within the law, which apparently means no sound clips from previous games (as the Fallout 3 remake team found out), and people would probably have to make custom music for...
I'm not too upset with the announcement. The game looks fun for what it is, and the spirit of Fallout can be carried on through fan projects and Tabletop campaigns.
TL;DR: Why don't we just play along with Bethesda's fan content acceptance and make a new unofficial diverging fan controlled Fallout Universe where we get to come up with new ideas and people willing to spoil themselves vote on what happens? Bethesda won't care as long as people buy their games...
Lets see...
Don't base it in San Francisco Bethesda, please just no. You still have New York City, Miami, and Philadelphia left on the east coast. I'd rather they not go back to the west coast until they can at the very least get a united writing staff and task someone with pointing out...
Not many, I can list them pretty easily:
Power Armor, except it's limited use and the fact that you get it immediately.
Nick Valentine, the only New Vegas-tier companion.
Assaultrons. They look great, and fighting them is really awesome.