Just Watched the Bethesda Conference: How You Guys Thinking of Killing Yourselves?

I would've loved it if Four had incorporated settlements into the progression of the story. Make the "Evil" faction some tribal group who wants to make sure that society can never get to the point where it can nuke itself again. They sure love saying War Never Changes don't they?

It's plainly obvious with how Fallout 3 and 4 and The Pitt unfolded that there's barely anything between the East and West coast. If something emerged out of West Virginia, it died alone and cold with no one to remember it by. Maybe because everyone kept nuking each other.
Yup, Bethesda definitely does better world building. Remember that time in Fallout 3 where they don't even show how people even survive, and yet make the plot about people needing water to survive? Excellent world building.

sarcasm meter was about to break

It's so bizarre to me how Bethesda fans seem to think that "world building" means making a big open area for the player to explore and then carelessly scattering "cool shit" all over it with no rhyme or reason given as to why those areas exist in the first place or what purpose they serve to the story and the greater universe of the games. Fallout 3 and 4's maps are not examples of good world building, they're post-nuclear themed amusement parks.
Wasn't that bad tbh. I was somewhat looking forward to 76, and then the QA happened and now I've completely lost interest. TES is the only reason I tune in to BE3 and sure glad I watched it this time around.
It's so bizarre to me how Bethesda fans seem to think that "world building" means making a big open area for the player to explore and then carelessly scattering "cool shit" all over it with no rhyme or reason given as to why those areas exist in the first place or what purpose they serve to the story and the greater universe of the games. Fallout 3 and 4's maps are not examples of good world building, they're post-nuclear themed amusement parks.
The terms they are looking for are "environmental design" and "environmental storytelling", which are probably the only things Bugthesda could always do competently. I wish they would pay their other employees as well, but it is what it is.

As far as suicide goes, I'd give in to my flashbacks of leveling Acrobatics in Oblivion and jump off a cliff somewhere and actually die, unlike my character...
I'm not too upset with the announcement. The game looks fun for what it is, and the spirit of Fallout can be carried on through fan projects and Tabletop campaigns.
I love this comment. This is what I've been saying everywhere. And this is what I hope to see. I want to see fan made mods and people talking about the tabletop campaigns and ideas for it. This is the best way to honor the Fallouts we love now. I'd be willing to help with what I can for any fan made mods for anyone that sees this, by the way. I'd love to have new "expansions" for the games that would help us play Fallout how we like it.
I wouldn't be surprised if some idiot actually did something that dumb.
Well, sacrificing one's life for over Fallout 76 definitely isn't worth it. But I can picture a bethdrone embittered after his Master Godd Howards ruined Minecraf...allout by adding online mode.
I imagine it would go something like this :

"Urr arrr you ruin perfect franchise duhrr"

I love this comment. This is what I've been saying everywhere. And this is what I hope to see. I want to see fan made mods and people talking about the tabletop campaigns and ideas for it. This is the best way to honor the Fallouts we love now. I'd be willing to help with what I can for any fan made mods for anyone that sees this, by the way. I'd love to have new "expansions" for the games that would help us play Fallout how we like it.
Yeah, as long as people buy their games, Bethesda isn't going to care about fan projects, as long as everyone tries to stay within the law, which apparently means no sound clips from previous games (as the Fallout 3 remake team found out), and people would probably have to make custom music for the radio if they even wanted one in their game.
Kamikaze attack at Bethesda headquarters
Just like how super mutant suicide bombers are part a dying race that will never reproduce and lost a cause to live for, we will soon as the series we loved devolves into rust. It would be an honorable death.