
  1. TheKingofVault14

    The Infamous Kotaku Article, Covering Fallout 4's Script Leak.

    10 years ago from today, a draft of Fallout 4's script was leaked to The Internet, which was then covered extensively in an article done by Kotaku. Keep in mind that this was during the time of that well put together hoax, a hoax known as TheSurvior2299. When that was proven to be false, a...
  2. The_Proletarian

    Wireframe article: Back to the wasteland - the post-apocalyptic, isometric RPG returns

    Wireframe has a nice article (pdf) about some recent games inspired by Fallout. The games being ATOM RPG, Underrail, Broken Roads, Death Trash and Wasteland 3. The developers are being interviewed and overall it's a good read. I suggest you go read it!
  3. Earth

    Why Fallout New Vegas is the high point of the franchise

    This might have been posted already, but I felt this article gave Fallout New Vegas some well-deserved critical analysis that might interest people here. I particularly appreciate the lack of shit's given by the author for Bethesda products...