fallout 1 in 2

  1. The_Proletarian

    Fallout et tu 1.10 released!

    After 9 comes 10 and Lexx has now released version 1.10 of Fallout et tu, the mod that let's you play Fallout 1 in Fallout 2's engine. For more info go to this thread. The new update comes with a lengthy changelog. Here's what Lexx has to say about the update:
  2. Naitor295

    What if Frank Horrigan was a three-dimensional antagonist?

    How would you rewrite him in a way so he's just as well-written as the likes of The Master, Caesar, Ulysses, Elijah and Mr House? We all know how he's a mindless psycopathic brute throught fallout 2's story, his first appearence being gunning down a entire family because he didn't feel like...
  3. Ediros

    Classic Fallout weapons in New Vegas

    As description says, I thought you would like it. Updated version. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/73805
  4. Lexx

    Fallout et tu (Fallout 1 in 2)

    This project brings FALLOUT 1 into the engine of FALLOUT 2. Find the latest release here. For more details on the project, check out the GitHub project page. Features Replicates Fallout 1 in 2 almost 1:1. Comes with the Hero Appearance mod integrated (Bald Dude, Long Hair Dude, Punk Girl)...