fallout 22

  1. The_Proletarian

    Fallout 22: Let's play all Fallout games in 2022!

    Today we launch Fallout 22 which is an event that will run during all of 2022 and where we play all of the relevant Fallout games and total conversion mods together. You join the event by reporting in this thread. The list of games to play looks like this (chronological order): Fallout: Nevada...
  2. The_Proletarian

    Play all Fallout games chronologically! - Join! Continues into 2024

    Welcome to Fallout 22! It's an event that will run during all of 2022 (and forever after) and where we play the Fallout games together in chronological order. Fallout: Nevada - Year 2120 Fallout - Year 2161 Fallout: Sonora - Year [It's a secret] Fallout: Resurrection - Year 2170 Fallout...
  3. The_Proletarian

    Preparation thread: NMA Event: Fallout 22

    Here's an idea of mine for an event we could run during 2022 and that any board member could join. This is an idea for an event that NMA will host during 2022. We will play all of the Fallout titles, as they appear on the timeline, during 2022. The event will be called: Fallout 22. The purpose...