Today we launch Fallout 22 which is an event that will run during all of 2022 and where we play all of the relevant Fallout games and total conversion mods together. You join the event by reporting in this thread.
The list of games to play looks like this (chronological order):
- Fallout: Nevada
- Fallout
- Fallout: Sonora (for those who speak Russian)
- Fallout: Resurrection
- Fallout: Tactics
- Fallout 2
- Fallout: Yesterday (the latest build)
- Fallout: New Vegas
You can join now or at any time during the year. I will aim at playing one game every one and a half months but you play at your own pace. You're also expected to discuss the games in the event topic.
I hope you join in and let 2022 be a year of Fallout!