
  1. T-65PowerArmorisCool!

    I know this is heresy, but I like Fallout 76

    I don't know what it is about it! I got it for sale for about 10 bucks last october and I can't get off it since! I liked the first 2 Fallouts, (I got hardened PA and a Turbo plasma rifle + Alien blaster pistol in Fo1 and I escpecially liked doing the Adytum quests like clearing out the...
  2. RetrospectiveGaming

    Logical Phallusy found biggest Fallout 76 fanboy even after F76 subscription

    Giving credit to this video cause I wouldn't have known without this video ...if you also wanna read his post in a hillbilly voice ...then definitely click LPvideo response- The reddit post- https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/dnnijp/why_the_fallout_community_has_lost_its_way/ Update...