T-65 Combatant!
I don't know what it is about it! I got it for sale for about 10 bucks last october and I can't get off it since! I liked the first 2 Fallouts, (I got hardened PA and a Turbo plasma rifle + Alien blaster pistol in Fo1 and I escpecially liked doing the Adytum quests like clearing out the deathclaw den and getting the .223 pistol from that guy in The Hub, and in Fallout 2 I got APA, a gauss rifle, the Highwayman, Goris, and an avenger minigun with like 1300 5mm rounds lol) and I also enjoyed the Bethesda Fallouts, and honestly I liked the story of 3 and 76. 4, not so much. I'm looking to play Tactics too, and I will, but something about 76 I like. I don't know if it's the camp building system or if it's the friendly playerbase, or the power armor, but there's just something about wandering around Appalachia in Excavator power armor. I mean, I feel like an ABSOLUTE TANK, like in Fallout 1! And the world/environment is just wonderful and very rewarding to explore! The questlines, while linear, and boring 50% of the time, have their moments, and as cheesy and corny, and buggy as this game is, there's just something that keeps me coming back, and I don't know what