
  1. KingArthur

    Why do people think Fallout 3 was actually good?

    So I just got done playing Fallout 3 and I have to say, I don't get why people think it's so great. First of all, there's no capacity for roleplaying. All of your choices either don't matter or get wiped away. Prime example is that quest everyone mentions, Power of the Atom. Disarm the nuke and...
  2. TerminallyChill

    Post The Funniest Video You Can Think Of

    Remember kids, don't derail a thread (however justified you think you are) with stupid videos like I did. Post them here instead! This definitely isn't the best I've got, but a bunch of good ones I shared just got put into the Vats. :vatted: Oh well! Hopefully others can learn from my mistake...