
  1. NMLevesque

    Fallout - An Entire Series Retrospective and Analysis

    Came across this. Just thought I'd share it.
  2. Hekan

    [Fan-Video]Fallout connexions

    Hi everybody ! I would like to present you a new youtube serie from Fallout Génération, made by Bergil. Fallout Connexions analyses the relations between each episodes of Fallout. Each video takes one repeated element of the universe and explain the link between every appearance of it...
  3. The Dutch Ghost

    What is your favorite Star Trek series?

    Hello all, I have been on a bit of a Star Trek binge again lately and it got me curious which series NMA members that are also Star Trek fans consider their personal favorite series. You don't have to select one of course, you can also go for several (or all but that kind of defeats the purpose...
  4. X

    My friend and I started a Fallout series about two dude becoming raiders. Tell us what you think

    It's hard to survive in the wasteland. It's harder to do it in heels. Raiders is a comedy about two guys, Avery and Mac, who decide to become raiders. We present to you Episode 1: Dress to Suppress. Sometimes people have very different ideas about professional attire. We really love...