First time out of the vault

Lets see
Privateer 1/2
fallout 1/2 + mods
lineage 1 not lineage 2 LINEAGE ONE lineAGE 1
counter strike Best fps ever (on shooting)
unreal tourny (fastest fps EVER...some times u gotta be fast)
bf2 (most strategic fps ever someimtes its nice to get outa cs...and in a jet)
civ 1/2 (sometimes its nice to nuke the planet...or be peaceful
diablo 1 (only if u play legit)
diablo 2 (only fun if u hacked it to hell)
Privateer 1/2
fallout 1/2 + mods
lineage 1 not lineage 2 LINEAGE ONE lineAGE 1
counter strike Best fps ever (on shooting)
unreal tourny (fastest fps EVER...some times u gotta be fast)
bf2 (most strategic fps ever someimtes its nice to get outa cs...and in a jet)
civ 1/2 (sometimes its nice to nuke the planet...or be peaceful
diablo 1 (only if u play legit)
diablo 2 (only fun if u hacked it to hell)