WorstUsernameEver said:
WorstUsernameEver said:TheUnwashed said:WorstUsernameEver said:It looked like a 11 to me too, but I guess that's because of the small size, because it wouldn't really make much sense.
why wouldn't make that sense?
For me it reads 11
11 seems like a random number. 21 would make sense because that's Vegas' Vault, and 15 would make sense because, as NovaRain says, the Khans come from there.
its not a pipboy. it is some "electronic mirror"HawK-EyE said:at 6:28, just after Doc Mitchell gives you the pipboy, you can choose, your gender, your skin color and your face, just like in FO3
!!!hite Atom said:
!!!hite Atom said:
frosty_theaussie said:One developer creed I've heard repeated very often is that the first hour of a game has to feature the very best that the game has to offer in order to hook players.
I meant that in some of the gameplay vids, the walking looks better than in others.sea said:Snip.
your evil twin said:At the end of the video I noticed that for Science skill it says that it is also used for recycling Energy Weapons ammunition at workbenches. While Repair is used for creating items and Guns ammunition.
I definately like the idea of there being a connection between the Science and Energy Weapons skills. Hell i wish there was more of a connection.
Maybe the developers will be smart and actually have some Energy Weapon perks in the game. And have good Science skill be a requirement.