10 minutes of Fallout: New Vegas


11:10 and gone. Anyone have search terms they were successful with they want to share/post?
Its not very clear this video, but I notice the number on the vault-door of thirteen and 101 are painted in yellow... This one seems to be colorless, even looks like its not a paint job, but a relief in the metal. Maybe its a Roman number two?
WorstUsernameEver said:
TheUnwashed said:
WorstUsernameEver said:
It looked like a 11 to me too, but I guess that's because of the small size, because it wouldn't really make much sense.

why wouldn't make that sense?
For me it reads 11

11 seems like a random number. 21 would make sense because that's Vegas' Vault, and 15 would make sense because, as NovaRain says, the Khans come from there.

The number 11 is very significant and symbolic to certain groups. Take a look around and you'll find it in many places. Two pillars and a temple...
HawK-EyE said:
at 6:28, just after Doc Mitchell gives you the pipboy, you can choose, your gender, your skin color and your face, just like in FO3
its not a pipboy. it is some "electronic mirror"
Hate Inon Zur's music. So out of place that makes me want to replay original Fallout just for the athmosphere that Morgan's music created.
I actually like the intro music. At least the part where the camera gets to Benny and the crew. That part gives me the chills and loops in my head.
Is there any point in bothering to engage with today's media when every aspect is spoiled in trailers, previews, interviews, news stories, and folks posting YouTube videos?

One developer creed I've heard repeated very often is that the first hour of a game has to feature the very best that the game has to offer in order to hook players. And then you have developers posting videos like The First Ten Minutes of Portal 2 ruining any intrigue you might have held when playing the game for the first time yourself.

Not ranting about the actual video posted, though, just a general thing that irks me. Also I'm not writing very well here... suffering a brainfart.

The music is oh so horrible. I lost all hopes that Zur this time maybe actually can make it slightly good - he didn't.

Voice acting is really decent, I like Doc Mitchell, kind of an old familiar guy you just don't where from you know him.

The scenery looks indeed decent.

The rifle this guy the über-cool-ugly NCR armor is wielding looks like a bozar to me.
frosty_theaussie said:
One developer creed I've heard repeated very often is that the first hour of a game has to feature the very best that the game has to offer in order to hook players.

I know that in many games this whole first 10 minutes thing can be true...but this is totally different.

This 10 minute video is a couple minutes of video, then the beginning of the tutorial portion of the game. Try as developers may, they can't really make a tutorial the best 10 minutes of a game. The cinematic is nice, but since isn't not interactive - watching it now or watching with the disk on hand makes little difference.
At the end of the video I noticed that for Science skill it says that it is also used for recycling Energy Weapons ammunition at workbenches. While Repair is used for creating items and Guns ammunition.

I definately like the idea of there being a connection between the Science and Energy Weapons skills. Hell i wish there was more of a connection.

Maybe the developers will be smart and actually have some Energy Weapon perks in the game. And have good Science skill be a requirement.
your evil twin said:
At the end of the video I noticed that for Science skill it says that it is also used for recycling Energy Weapons ammunition at workbenches. While Repair is used for creating items and Guns ammunition.

I definately like the idea of there being a connection between the Science and Energy Weapons skills. Hell i wish there was more of a connection.

Maybe the developers will be smart and actually have some Energy Weapon perks in the game. And have good Science skill be a requirement.

No offense, but I don't really care for the idea. Sure science should influence the ability to build/modify energy weapons or recover ammo (really it could do the same for conventional weapons), but it has nothing to do with being able to effectively kill with them. Energy weapons of every sort are used in sci-fi movies/games/novels with great effectiveness by people who don't know jack about how the weapon is built or operates.

A low science skill keeping someone skilled with plasma rifles from shooting a laser mini gun just wouldn't work.

.....though I'm now thinking about how perhaps a perk where science gave more damage with energy weapons may work b/c they understand how targeting certain spots on an enemy may allow a laser to have greater effect...though again this knowledge would also work for conventional weapons - so still not a huge fan of the idea.