Well how is the afterlife?When Lal Bihari tried to apply for a bank loan in 1976, he found out that he was officially dead. His uncle had bribed a government official to register him as dead so he would get the ownership of Bihari's land.
Would it work the other way? I mean could he not just kill his uncle...he is dead so how can he be punished?He and many other members were in danger of being killed by those who had appropriated their property.
Sixty-four-year-old Thai Ngoc, known as Hai Ngoc, said he could not sleep at night after getting a fever in 1973, and has counted infinite numbers of sheep during more than 11,700 consecutive sleepless nights.
DirtyDreamDesigner said:Interesting stuff, slamelov, but please, in the future, don't just make thread and than post a link in it. At least quote a little or give an opinion or something.
slamelov said:Anyway, strange list, how do they got it?. Looking for bizarre people for all the planet?. In my country there is people much more bizarre, they work as politicians