100% load for one Core?


First time out of the vault
Can anyone explain me why Fallout 2 gives one(AMD Phenom 2 X4 955 BE) of my cores 100% load?
Anyway to turn it down?
They didn't have multicores in 1997, so it uses your processor in the only way possible.

Are you concerned by the heat generated? In this case you could use a software program to throttle the processor, maybe. The "100%" load doesn't mean that F2 is using the whole of the processor's time; it should not hamper any other programs you have running at the moment.
Heat isn't the problem but set to energy save mode the CPU runs its 4 cores with 800MHz and I think even than 1 of them would be enough to run F2 but with 100% on one core the CPU gets out of that mode and runs them all again with 3,2GHz not really power saving.
That's why I asked if there is a way to get rid of this behavior.
You're running the RP/unofficial patch, yes? I say this since I recall your name in those threads. If so, go to the ddraw.ini file and look for

;Set to 1 for force fallout not to use multiple processor cores even if they are available
I have this set to 1 because of problems people have had with multi core systems and running Fallout 2 (crashes, etc) Perhaps you'll be a lucky one.
Well, just because something is up to max ghz doesnt mean it's using max current. You can have many things showing full max ghz but it is not stressing it. COmpare this to like super PI on a single core, can roast it.

Now, curious, is Fallout super heating that core on regular play??
Most old games push my system to near 100% on core 1. I don't think its anything to worry about.
After playing a while CPU only got to 41-42C from around 31-32C.

I used prime95 to generate maximum heat and after 15 minutes it's up to 52C so F2 doesn't let it run too hot.

A workaround(at least under Windows 7) is to modify the energy saving settings and set max CPU to 25%, so F2 loads again one Core to the max but when it runs only with 25% of maximum at all it should save enough power, temperature just comes to 31C when playing now and CPU stays clocked down to 800Mhz instead of running the 3,2Ghz.
that's basically what I thought.

Some people dont use cool and quiet settings and the ghz is up at max all the time. THis doesnt waste a LOT of electricity, but it does. it is the load that does the job.
el_jefe_of_ny said:
Some people dont use cool and quiet settings and the ghz is up at max all the time. This doesnt waste a LOT of electricity, but it does. it is the load that does the job.

Cool and quiet fucks with my overclocks lol.