
Divinech said:
At all who think I'm a bad DM:
Go back to the dark corner you came from and die. (I don't wanna justify myself...)

Is that the BEST you could come up with? Jeez...
As for the desert setting, it will also depend on which area of the country you are looking at. Most of southern California, where Fallout takes place, gets very minimal amounts of rain. Without the large irrigation canals, the prosperous Central Valley would barely be able to farm. If your game takes place in a different part of the US (or the world), then conditions will obviously be different. My current campaign takes place in the US South, and since they get more rain (and the occasional hurricane) it is greener, more along the lines of FO2. Not many trees, but certainly grass and small shrubs, and farming is more easily done, despite the radiation.

If you are in the US Northeast (think the coast from Washington, DC up to about Boston) then most of it should be completely uninterrupted ruined city. After all, populations keep rising, year after year, so most of the cities would continue to grow in size.