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I thought i heard something about a new bicycle seat that was developed last year to prevent this.
If Amazon women could sacrifice their boobs to shoot arrows better, maybe the French can sacrifice their balls to ride better too...
Wouldn't it be great if an American wins the next Tour De France? Not that he'd win them all, mind, just the next one, so the Euros eat their hats.
Bradylama said:
Wouldn't it be great if an American wins the next Tour De France? Not that he'd win them all, mind, just the next one, so the Euros eat their hats.
Since when have the French represented the whole of Europe?

Also, how the fuck do French news agencies dare to write "Morally superior" in regard to French bicyclists? It's riding a fucking bike, it's hard to find a moral dimension to that.

"Yez, but you Americanes are totaly immoral wiz your cutting-my-balls-off play, ah?"

And, no, the French do not represent Europe...
Big T said:
Since when have the French represented the whole of Europe?

They do represent the whole snobby-sport world

At the start I was lightly amused by all the "Armstrong is ruining ze Tour by riding too good!"-spiels that the Eurocentric assholes were pulling, but it got pretty fucking tiring after a while.

People, the man's better than anything we go, many years running and through a case of cancer. Those people show some admiration and shut their Eurowhinie claptraps. Not just the French

Big T said:
Also, how the fuck do French news agencies dare to write "Morally superior" in regard to French bicyclists?

' cause it's a pretty obvious joke article?

Jeesh, man
Kharn said:
Big T said:
Also, how the fuck do French news agencies dare to write "Morally superior" in regard to French bicyclists?

' cause it's a pretty obvious joke article?

Jeesh, man
Ah, I may have noticed that if I'd read (not scanned the first few lines thereof) the article.

I guess my inherent prejudices against the evil horse-eating, onion-selling Frogs are affecting me.

Obviously, I suck.