10th Fallout Anniversary September 30th 2007

Yeti XXL

First time out of the vault
This fall our beloved game turns 10. (according to wikipedia)

Are there any plans to pay tribute to the best postapocalyptic role playing game ever by celebrating this anniversary?

(Sorry if this topic already exists - this is my first contribution to your noble community - please be merciful :-)
Yeti XXL said:
This fall our beloved game turns 10. (according to wikipedia)
Are there any plans to pay tribute to the best postapocalyptic role playing game ever by celebrating this anniversary?
(Sorry if this topic already exists - this is my first contribution to your noble community - please be merciful :-)

FO3 is released on that day with the 'Oblivion with gun' theme. Fear the future! :shock:

In Germany we are planning something.
Maybe we could combine activities.

@ Kharn:

Perhaps I will see but I prefer taking part in it than looking at pictures taken of an event I didn`t know it was taking place.

I just mean: the more Falloutfans join forces in organising an event the better, bigger and the more fallout-worthy it will get - probably.
Yeti XXL said:
Perhaps I will see but I prefer taking part in it than looking at pictures taken of an event I didn`t know it was taking place.

I just mean: the more Falloutfans join forces in organising an event the better, bigger and the more fallout-worthy it will get - probably.

Maybe. If you have solid ideas, feel free to post them.
@ Kharn:

Don't think so.
Until I posted here there wasn't even a clue of the Fallout-anniversary on this page. Why?

Did you forget? Why this secretmongering?
Yeti XXL said:
@ Kharn:

Don't think so.
Until I posted here there wasn't even a clue of the Fallout-anniversary on this page. Why?

Did you forget? Why this secretmongering?
Er..because it's March and not September?
Oh is it? Thanks for letting me know.

This means - and I already was well aware - that there are only 6 months left to prepare something.
All I am asking here is: Are you as a fallout-community already planning something for september or not.
There were no hints here so far so I was wondering.
Is this so hard to answer?

When you want to keep it secret its fine with me. Just tell me "Shut up, idiot, we are already planning something" and I know that you have at least made yourselves some thoughts on the matter.

So did I and the thing which came up to my mind was "Hey maybe other fans somewhere are planning sth. too so we could share our plans to make sth. even bigger".

For me it would be great meeting Falloutfans from other countries in real life at a special occasion like a 10th anniversary.

And if I can be of any help in planning I would be even happier.

But perhaps cooperation is not an issue in this part of the Fallout-Fandom.
What is the problem here in talking openly?
Yeti XXL said:
Oh is it? Thanks for letting me know.

This means - and I already was well aware - that there are only 6 months left to prepare something.
All I am asking here is: Are you as a fallout-community already planning something for september or not.
There were no hints here so far so I was wondering.
Is this so hard to answer?

When you want to keep it secret its fine with me. Just tell me "Shut up, idiot, we are already planning something" and I know that you have at least made yourselves some thoughts on the matter.

So did I and the thing which came up to my mind was "Hey maybe other fans somewhere are planning sth. too so we could share our plans to make sth. even bigger".

For me it would be great meeting Falloutfans from other countries in real life at a special occasion like a 10th anniversary.

And if I can be of any help in planning I would be even happier.

But perhaps cooperation is not an issue in this part of the Fallout-Fandom.
What is the problem here in talking openly?
Who says there's a problem?
You're jumping to all kinds of completely wrong conclusions.
It would be cool to have a huge meat up some ware, I would personally sell elderly family members to attend.
Yeti XXL said:
Until I posted here there wasn't even a clue of the Fallout-anniversary on this page. Why?

Did you forget? Why this secretmongering?

Because it's a secret. Experience has taught us that it's usually better to organise stuff top-down than bottom-up.

We're open to ideas, so there's no problem that I can see, discuss an idea and we can freely talk about it, but what NMA will do will yet remain a secret. Can't be helped.
Why this secretmongering?

It'll be better if we, y'know, just show it to you than talk about it, it's easier to show it *points at imaginary TV screen* bam, there it is than to talk about it.

We should have a huge meat up off-line of the few that can attend an a on-line thing for the people who can't attend
Please help me out - what are the right conclusions then?

Keeping it secret makes sense, no doubt. I totally understand that.
I share your and Wooz' view.

All I'm asking is if there is an opportunity to have an event where falloutfans from different countries can participate.
For example you are from the Netherlands and I'm from Germany then my question is: Where will it take place? Somewhere near the Dutch-German border? On which side? Can we be of any help in planning, organising,... Such things.

The problems my friends and me are having at the moment are for example to find a fitting location, guessing how many people there will be and so on.

If it is possible to combine activities and share knowledge then the workload per person could be reduced or everyone could work more effective on his part.

For that reason I am asking if there is something I could do in helping to organise. And probably not only me but more german Falloutfans as well.

@ Admins:
Maybe this matter can be solved by contact via PM if you want to keep it secret.
If you don't trust me I understand that, too sinse I registered only a few days ago and I am asking things about a quite sensible theme - sensible for the reasons you already mentioned.

Maybe you are willing to join our discussion at the german FalloutNow!-Boards.(http://web3.o067.orange.fastwebserver.de/index.php/topic,1151.90.html)