
flatlinedeath666 said:
the gun that was exclusive in Fallout 1 was the .223 Pistol.

Wasn't the .223 pistol a modified rifle or something?
Yep it was modified by the guy that gives it to you, he says it's one of a kind. He made it, because he can't shoot a rifle or something.
Strange weapon, how a pistol firing the same cartridge can cause more damage than the rifle is beyond me.
Gruug said:
Wasn't the 14mm the gun that was supposed to be one of a kind in fallout 1&2, but showed up in numerous encounters? It was that one that was cut down from the big rifle?
Or was it the one that looked like an smg, but when you character shot it, the recoil made your arm fly backwards?
Anyways, the best pistol would have to be the cougar magnum. Are you feeling lucky, punk? Well, are you?

nope it was the .223 pistol, the 14 mm is found numeros places in f1 and f2..................the .223 was supposed to be a one-of-a-kind pistol but it wasnt in f2 , dunno why...................mebby more people made them :?
The only reason that it used .223 ammo was because it was based on the Blade Runner gun, which was basically a revolver stuck in the middle of the receiver of a .223 Steyr rifle.
As far as I know, when someone mentions 50cal, most military personnel envision the 'ma deuce'.

50cal machine gun is what you usually see mounted on an M1 Abrahms tank. That ammo would rip through cars like butter. As someone else said, anything 5ocal or bigger can do some heinous damage.

Oh I know its overused but hers a good weapon link.

The biggest custom handgun is around .70 calibur. It was on the history channel when they talked about handguns.
A 14 mm pistol in real life (if they exsist) would have to be the heaviest mother around prolly wieghing out at 25 lbs and in order to even shoot sommat that large you would have to be a body builder.

in theory the heaver the gun the less impact it will have. this of course is also affectted by the action in witch a bullet would be laoded into the chamber such as impact reloading in witch the inital explosion itself dirves the firing assembly back and ejects the brass and realoading a new bullet, their is whats called gas reloading as well in witch the explosive gasses are siphoned off through a pipe leading into the barrel and used to drive the firing assembly back and reloading the weapon and ejecting the brass
an AK for example uses this
The sawn off hunting rifle was way too powerful and seeing that .223 ammo grew on trees in 2, its only draw back was the very loud sound effect.

Interesting fact
Rolls Royce developed a .50cal machine gun but decided not to expand into small arms manufacturing, leaving it as a rare, prototype.