2 out of 5 new Tragic cards made yesterday... (PIC)

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I like it

I like it but i clicked on the link and I only got 1
Giving the people more of what they want...


Good to see that the new ones are of the same caliber as the old.
Also good to see that you got the stuff back from Fang.

-I'm not a pessimist, I just think realistically
I like it... I sure do, but I can only see one card here and when I click the link it only gave me an Easter Egg card, which was somewhat garbled:


And by the way, I'm still here, just almost dead... :)

ICQ 95408584
RE: Thanks

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-01 AT 10:31PM (GMT)[p]It was giving me some trouble too, for awhile. Just go to make a post, and, see where it says "[font color=red]File Upload Enabled"? Just click on the thing that says "Click here to upload your file. (Of couse, the one in my message won't work, as it's a cheap facsimile. Kinda like me...)

You should see a window with some image types that have bubbles next to them that you can select (GIF, JPEG, and the like) Select the image type that your image is, and click on the browse button next to the white text window and select the picture that you want to display. After you upload the file, it should give you the URL of the place your file was uploaded to. Just copy that URL, making sure that you don't copy any of the spaces that come before or after it, and past it into your post. Viola! The picture should appear in your post wherever you stuck the URL.

(Keep in mind that if your picture is larger than 70 KB, you cannot upload it.)

Well, I hope that long, rambling, incomprehensible bit helped.

"I'm not a pessimist, I just think realistically."

I haven't written down the rules yet... my fault... here goes a short summary...

Powersource, supplies the AP you need.
Recruit, you can have up to four of the same card in the game
Char, just one of each
Technology, has an effect on one or more players... not cards.
Upgrades, speak for themselves. Drugs are upgrades as well...
Note that the text on the DT's Secret Weapon should say Weapon Upgrade...

First stat: STrength, varies from 1 to 9... Determines the damage a char or recruit deals...
Second stat: AGility, varies from 1 to 3... Determines the speed at which a char or recruit deals damage (higher number is first strike, making the one with the higher number beat the other before that other can strike back, thus that char/recruit get's away with no damage... unless the blow doesn't kill the other char... Equal Agility means both strike simultaneously and thus it is possible to lose a char/recruit on both sides at the same time)
Third stat: ENdurance, varies from 1 to nine... the damage another char deals is deducted from this... when the 'sum' makes 0 or less, the char/recruit is dead... If not, the Endurance will be back at it's beginstatus by the beginning of the next turn (of either side)

The little icon determines in what series it belongs (Fang, it would be good to design one for yourself, though you may also use the nuke sign... The The Order sign you can't use unless the card applies to The Order)

AP... Well, you're gonna have to balance that a bit yourself, there's no set scale... 0 through 10... Powersources I have not yet designed and by all means, feel free to do so... each series should have it's own powersource... you can mix series though.

RE: Hey, I want to get down on that...

Do I see people creating things that only involve thinking, a little cut and paste, and some editing? That kind of artwork is what I do best! (Probably because I'm a damn lazy bastard...)

I would like to oficially request a copy of the nifty little package-o-supplies that you sent Fang, and permission to begin work on some Tragic Cards of my own...

It sure would go quicker with more people doing the work...

"I'm not a pessimist, I just think realistically."
RE: Hey, I want to get down on that...

It's on it's way over now. William is often busy and i get on more often so i thought i should send it. I hope its all there. You have all the directions you need in this thread. I'll E-mail you some of the cards i've done (there names and where i got em from) Most of the fallout Perk pictures are taken by me.



Fang's Web Pages

It's only cheating if you get caught
- Fang_Of_the_BOS@hotmail.com
Guys? Best forget the version I posted there and use the mor

This one:

Tragic (TM) The Garnering

Okay, a more extensive desciption of the rules... For those who have played or still do play Magic (TM) The Gathering I have included the original terms between [these things]

There are two or more players/Commanders [Wizards], each player/Commander has 20 HP [Lives/Souls, I never figured it out] to start with. HP can be lost by attacks, however can be regained by using some of the Technology [Artifacts/Enchantments] or Drugs [Instant/Sorcery] cards... Like in Fallout and unlike in Magic (TM) The Gathering you cannot exceed these twenty HP (If you have 20 HP and use a card to gain 3 HP your total will remain 20 HP, it is best described as XHP/20HP, perhaps, at some point, there will be a card (think “Command Bunker”) that will allow you to gain maximum HP)

First, one needs to build a deck of cards... All cards may be used up to four times in one deck 4 times, including the character cards and Legendary cards (Like Vault 13, of course, there can only be one, so once you’ve put one into play, you or another player can’t play this card untill it is removed from the game or in the morgue.) With the original game it was custom to use about 60 cards in a deck, of which 1/3 usually consisted of Powersources [Lands]... I do not know whether this will be effective in this game, since it is hard to set standards for AP vs statistics and there are multiple people working on this... 2 now, maybe more later.

Attacking: To attack you need Characters, Critters or Recruits, these cards have to be ‘bought’ so to say by using AP [Mana]... AP are generated by Powersources [Lands]... When attacking you need to ‘tap’ your card, meaning moving it from a normal, vertical position into a horizontal one... this is not really necessary, but it serves as visual aid. One is not able to ‘untap’ these cards untill his/her next turn (not the opponents, creatures that have attacked can not block during the next (opponent’s) turn.)
Defending: When under attack the defending player may assign to ‘block’ the opponent’s recruits/characters/critters using critters/recruits/characters of his/her own (The defending player chooses which card blocks which card). When a critter/recruit/character dies it is put into the morgue [Graveyard] unless a player uses a drug or technology to revive the critter/recruit/character... these cards will surely come. A critter/recruit/character will die if the sum of it’s Endurance minus it’s opponents Strength is 0 or less. There’s also Agility involved in this to avoid having to give cards ‘first strike’... The critter/recruit/character with the highest Agility strikes first, if it deals enough damage it won’t receive any from it’s adversary... if not though... Also it is possible to block one critter/character/recruit with two others, or three, but not the other way around... In case of multiple blockers the attacker decides how damage is distributed among the blockers.

STAGEN - Is what I named the system used for combat, STrenght AGility ENdurance... Strength is the attack power, this is the number of damage the critter/character/recruit deals to whatever blocks it, or, if it isn’t blocked, to the defending Commander.
Agility is the basically what determines the recruit/character/citter’s speed and thus who strikes first... equal Agility means a simultaneous attack and could result in losses on both sides.
Endurance is what keeps your character/recruit/critter alive... once it hits 0 or less you lost the character/critter/recruit, in order to survive sacrifices must be made though... There will later on be an option to revive a character. Also there may be cards that can function as a living shield for you without actually having to block...

There are (so far) two ways to play.
1 – deplete your opponent’s HP, the classic way.
2 – Play 20 or another number of turns... whoever has most HP left at the end of it (in %) wins.


So far there are:

Powersources [Lands] – They provide the necessary AP’s, these AP’s can’t be stocked... In order to use a powersource one has to tap it... Powersources also need to wait untill their owner’s next turn to untap... Powersources cost no AP to bring into play, only condition is that one can only put one Powersource into play per (own) turn.
Recruit [creature] – Your basic everyday cannon fodder... unlike in Magic (TM) the Gathering this is virtually the only way to annihalate your opponent. Good ol’manpower.
Character [legendary creature] – Basically the better versions of recruits... the cards will have to have names from either people from the Fallout series or from the Fallout Community... Cause there is only one of each person it is naturally impossible to put more than 1 of these into the game at a time. Characters will in most cases have a special ability.
Critter [creature] – The same as recruits though these critter may come equipped with a special ability and can not be upgraded in any way than drugs or the global effects of technology.
Upgrades [enchant creature] – Weapons (ST), Armor (EN), Equipment (any stat)... An upgrade has to be placed over or under a card to serve as visual aid.
Drugs [Instant/Sorcery] – Basically upgrades with a temporary effect, naming Jet as a possible way to temporarily gain AG.
Technology [Artifacts/Enchantments] – Often has a global or area effect, meaning it targets all or a specific player and/or his/her cards. Do note that Technology cards will not always contain pure strain high tech... simple things may be found there as well. (I have to do something with my funny ideas)
Leadership [Enchantments] – Effects all or one specific player’s characters/recruits, not critters (these are basically unintelligent and cannot be affected by leadership... perhaps there will be cards in the leadership category that apply only to critters later on though...). My thoughts on cards like these will be in the direction of “Moonbiter’s Battlecry” (If I get permission)... Yeah, you know from what card I ripped that of, you wonderful Magic-playing people... yeah, you know who you are.

And that concludes the slightly more... extensive version of my rules... MY RULES...
If you think I made a mistake or have any tips ideas for cards, but no time to do them yourselves, feel free to mail me at order_intelligence@hotmail.com

RE: Guys? Best forget the version I posted there and use the

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-11-01 AT 08:53AM (GMT)[p]A little bit of what I thought of.....

Stimpack(small heal,drug),
Super stim(medium heal,drug),
Autodoc(big heal,techology),
Hypo(full heal,drug),
Resting(full heal,miss a turn, Leadership?),
Medic(small to medium heal,decide by flippin a coin?, recruit?)


For char:
Cloning Vats(idea from "Wasteland" & "RA2", techology, use and discard, EN 10)

How it works:

Turn 1)Put ya dead char into the vats.

Turn 2)Sacrifice 1 critter/recruit if char EN under 4 (I dunno wass full EN), 2 critter/recruit for char EN from 5-8, 3 critter/recruit for EN 9-10.

Turn 3)Sacrifice 1 metant, 1 psycho, 1 buffout, 1 super stim (Meaning 1 of each kind of drug, excempting stim,jet,hypo)

Turn 4)Your char come outs as new! (And sorry you char loses all his/her/its equipment)

Warning! Your Vats maybe destroyed in the progress! No repairing allowed(If there is such a card)!

For recruits:
Search Team:Allow you to pick a recruit from the "tomb"(one of your char/recruit loses 1 turn and cannot be attacked, leadership?)

Tribal Village:Allow you to pick a kind of recruit from the "tomb"(choose one of your char/recruit, flip a coin, if you loses, chosen char/recruit goes to the "tomb". Revival target type remains in tomb FOREVER, techology?)

For equipment:
Scvanger:Allow you to pick a equipment from the "tomb"(loses 1 turn,recruit)

The sacrifice system is inspired by card game "Yugioh" by Konami.

Well gimme some comments.
RE: Guys? Best forget the version I posted there and use the

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-11-01 AT 11:37AM (GMT)[p][font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-11-01 AT 10:58 AM (GMT)

Some cards I just made~~~
Sorry for using the basic design of the cards William.....hope u dun mind~~~
img=[http://homepage.renren.com/on99/akcard.jpg] AK47
(equipment card,+2 damage.)
Description:One of the best assult rifle in the world. See those bloodstains?

img=[http://homepage.renren.com/on99/missingcard.gif] The Magic Box
(techology card, take one equipment/techology card from your opponent's deck and use it immeadiately. Discard after use.)

Description:Where's my gun!? Fuc...Ahh!!

img=[http://homepage.renren.com/on99/datacard.jpg] Virus-I Nuke You
(techology card, once you've draw this card, put it into the deck of your opponent. Let him/her shuffle the deck. If he/she draws the card again, all cards she draws later must be revealed.)

Description:Format Harddisk? [Y/N]

img=[http://homepage.renren.com/on99/stimcard.jpg] Stimpack
(drug card, heal player hp 3 pts. Discard after use.)

Description: Ouch!

And William how you type the words??If u dun mind please help me type those descriptions....

Well, stims and such would be able to serve as healers for the player... There should be a card that has no effect on the player but which resurrects a char or recruit...
(first aid kid (AP4), equipment upgrade, Character gain ability: Use one powersource, characters stats are reset.)
(Field Medic (AP5), ST2, AG2, EN2, use one powersource and deploy (tap) Field medic, target critter/character/recruit you control's stats are reset.)
(Stimpack (AP6), heal up to three hitpoints to target player)
(AK47 (3AP), weapon upgrade, upgraded character/recruit gets +2 strength)
Lill' notice, you can have only ONE weapon weapon, armor or equipment upgrade per critter.
Think along these lines... like Magic.
