>And why not we make that
>certain units only allowed to
>be summoned by merging?
>e.g:fire gecko=gecko+flamer
> cyborg=robobrain+any recruit
That's actually a pretty good Idea... but a flamer is an upgrade and can't be in play without being assigned to a unit... (Fire Gecko = Dispicable little lizard + AOF Flamer)
As for your cyborg, add a powerfist or something... it's an idea... (We'll have to put a short list (3 max) of possible mergings on the Gecko and the cyborg)
Q: Would we design specific cards for that purpose, or just stack them up like with normal upgrades (gecko = a critter, thus can't be upgraded conventionally, Cybernetic brain wouldn't be a upgrade, so that could work.)
>And what's the most no. of
>cards u can have in
>your hands? I'm planning to
>make a card with ST
>changes with no. of hand
>cards~~Maybe call it bunker/gun tower
>or like that....
I was thinking of either 6 or 9... I think 6...
>For the revival card pic.....gimme some

And does anyone know where
>I can find pic of
>those perks & traits?
Not a clue... well, perhaps a cloningvat (just change the colouring, green becomes blue and the yellow (copper/rust) would be grey (steel)
>And here are some card ideas~~
>Desert Nomads:recruit, ST 0 AG 2
>EN 7. Allow critters to
>attack without tapping.
I dunno... They can't attack without upgrades... how 'bout 'X critters you control may be deployed without tapping, where is is the number of cards in your hand.'
>Dual:leadership, allows only 1 field unit
>on both sides until unit
>of either side dies. NO
>weapon upgrade/leadership can be applyed
>on the field unit. Any
>unit died because of Duel
>CANNOT be revived.
Hmm... I see we're going to need a 'Disenchant/Shatter' to have to option to destroy that card... So untill we have something along those lines it would be to effective a card and 'banned'. (Like Stroke of Genius and such)
>Raid:leadership, allow you to tap units
>by using enemy's powersource for
>1 turn. This card can
>be used when there is
>the card Raider on your
>field. Discard after use.
Well, as I said, Deployment won't cost AP... unless using special abilities like 'use X AP, deal X damage to target unit or opponent'... So it would work... Nice Flavour text: "Live by the sword..."
>Brotherhood/Order Training:leadership, + 2 ST/1 AG
>to units on field. Discard
>after use. (emm the Order
>one I guess would need
>Order ppl apporval....)
Hey, you got mine! (Did someone already send you the package, cuz if you're going to make it an Order Card be sure to use the Order logo (little circle, in the middle to the right))