20 employees filed complains, Herve forced to attend meeting

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The latest news from the Orange Country Register, who've been following Interplay's story indepth, seems to promise more trouble for Caen soon, and little hope for Interplay's survival:<blockquote>Twenty employees of Interplay Entertainment Corp. have now filed complaints with the state labor agency because they have not been paid for weeks.

The complaints spurred an investigation of Interplay's payroll records by the state's Division of Labor Standards Enforcement.

Interplay, known for computer games such as "Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II," wasn't paying its bills and was forced out of its Irvine headquarters this week by its landlord. The company had let its workers' compensation insurance lapse, causing the state to shut the business down two weeks ago until Interplay renewed coverage a few days later. Employees say that they haven't been paid since April.

Herve Caen, Interplay's CEO, missed two meetings with the state investigators this week, said Dean Fryer, a spokesman for the California Labor commissioner.

The state has now ordered Caen to show up for a meeting Monday, equipped with Interplay's payroll records. Caen told investigators Thursday that he no longer has access to the records because they are on computers that have been put in storage, Fryer said.

"This doesn't release him from his past responsibilities," Fryer said. "It seems to me that he could just plug in a computer and get the records."

Caen could not be reached Friday for comment. Earlier this week, Interplay spokesman Luke Haase said the company is still seeking more funding. Paying employees will be a priority, he said.

If Caen fails to deliver the payroll records and pay employees, the state will move forward and hold formal hearings, Fryer said. The state could also put liens on Interplay's assets or turn the case over to the Orange County District Attorney's Office. </blockquote>Caen still seems to think that excuses like "it's on a computer in storage" will get him out of his responsibilities. Yeah, sure thing, Herve.
That is the worst excuse I've ever heard....
If the computers are in storage, then go and get them out of storage. Give the computers to the employees or something, because its probably costing Interplay even more money to have the computers stored. Also, somone needs to find out where the computers are stored and steal the ones with the FO3 work on them.

And I enjoy how Dark Alliance is referred to as a "Computer Game."
Just when i thought this guy could not contribute anything else to our collective laughter, he goes and pulls yet another funney.

Although this didn't look any less funny on the NMA frontpage
" 20 employees filed complains, Herve forced to attend meeting by Hung-Like-Horse"
God, someone should come up with a top ten list of excuses Herve rejected before settling on "The computers are in storage."

Well, here's mine.

10. A group of thugs appeared on my front lawn and stole the records before Ross Perot and myself could fight them off.

9. Payroll Records!? Oh, man! I'm sorry, I thought you meant my old vinyls - don't worry, I'll be back in an hour with the REAL records. Just wait here. Throw on Frampton Comes Alive if you'd like.

8. You want the records? Come and get 'em (slides them down the front of his pants seductively)

7. Y'know, I was thinking, what is a record, really? I mean, everything's subjective, right?

6. (Stage One: Takes state labour board hostage with mock-up Turbo Plasma Rifle; has no idea what stage two will involve, but guarantees it will make a profit)

5. Sorry, I lent them to Satan. He said he'd bring them right back. Man, what a jerk!

4. Here ya go! (hands over records from 15 years ago)

3. (comes to meeting with kittens; assumes everyone will be too busy playing with kittens and will forget the records altogether)

2. If I turn over the records it'll mean the terrorists have already won. You don't want the terrorists to WIN, do you?

1. No hable English! Yes sir yes sir, no sir, hot dog hot dog.
Five bucks says...

... there are no computers. They've prolly sold them and Hervie's totally boned because they're already put to good use elsewhere.

But THAT aside, I further bet they made a botch of it and didn't reformat the drives... or didn't make backups.
Caen told investigators Thursday that he no longer has access to the records because they are on computers that have been put in storage, Fryer said.

Should I laugh or cry? :shock: Leave it to a French native to come up with a lame-ass excuse like that... :twisted:
Interplay - "Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of Interplay's deathrattle"
Odin said:
Interplay - "Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of Interplay's deathrattle"

a hourglass with wet sand and a micro cork jammed in the middle more like!
SumsoluS said:
Odin said:
Interplay - "Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of Interplay's deathrattle"

a hourglass with wet sand and a micro cork jammed in the middle more like!

That is pretty much spot on what it is like. I can't realy see how this is going to end, mainly due to interplays attitude to the whole thing.
If Caen no-shows, California will probably freeze I'play's assets while their investigation continues. The financial records will be convieniently "misplaced" or lost due to "technological failure" (read - hammer on hard disks).
The only reason I can see for them not wanting to sell the FO license is out of spite to piss fans off, or because Caen himself is a huge fan and doesn't want to let it go.
Caen told investigators Thursday that he no longer has access to the records because they are on computers that have been put in storage, Fryer said.

So, let me get this straight. The "man" that is both the CEO and CFO of Interplay doesn't have immediate access to the records because his computers are in storage.

What exactly has Mr. Caen been doing during this time period?

I find it hard to believe that he could be conducting any Interplay business (even Virtual) without quick access to these computers or have hard copies of these records in his possession.

Can anyone saying, "Stalling Tactics". :twisted: