2018 influenza epidemic


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Seems like every last continental state of US is having it. No doubt it spreads from US all over the world through all the air lines. Currently available flu shot in UK is only 20% effective against the virus (H3N2), they say. Alabama state already declared emergency about it. Expected death toll by the end of it - for now, and in US only - is ~50000. It kills primarily elderly people (about 2/3s of all death cases), but also people of all other ages now and then.

Already dead are at least: 110 persons in Canada, 97 persons in California state alone (i fail to see data for whole US, but obviously it'd be several hundreds to thousands deaths already), 191 persons in UK. Several millions people are also infected in Japan and also in China, too - i assume similar to the above fatality numbers happen there as well. Other countries are also hit, such as Spain, Germany, Italy, Portugal, and some countries in South and Central Americas, Asia and Europe, according to this map.

Do not feel safe if your country is not listed as one affected on the map just above, though. It takes a long time for reported cases to be verified and that map updated. We have one global flu epidemic here, which right now may be lurking right near your and yours. and this time it is especially efficient at infecting people all around - for example, this is 1st time in modern history of CDC operations (in 13 years) they see whole continental US suffering epidemic rates of this flu. Thus i dare to give one advice you won't hear much (if at all), which can easily save your and/or yours lives, and is extremely very easy to follow:

remember that amount of viruses which enter your system is critically important in determining whether you get sick or not, and whether you live or die if you get sick! Therefore try to limit your inhalation of potentially infected particles by:

- leaving vicinity of any coughing person ASAP;
- going outside whenever possible and staying at least several meters (and not downwind) from any potentially infected person;
- wearing respiratory protection devices whenever you suspect any infected person is (or recently was) nearby;
- isolating yourself as much as possible whenever you detect any flu-like sympthoms in yourself;
- spread this knowledge to yours (your family, friends, peers and such).

P.S. The fact that amount of virus entering someone's system is something i repeatedly concluded from various papers and books related to virology, but if you want concrete example - here you go, quote: "the route and volume of virus administered to mice ... can greatly influence the resulting morbidity and mortality following infection, especially when studying highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses". Source.
P.S. what medical education do you possess or do you just grace us simpletons with your stellar advice such as don't be by a sick person. Wow, how many countless lives have you saved. You sir are deserving of the nobel peace prize. “Advice we don't hear much” speak for yourself. What next einstien you going to enlighten us to wash our hands?
You can do better - please do. However, so far i only see me trying to do it, while you bless us with your mighty life-saving sarcasm and spiteness. I'm sure it'll save times more lives than my previous post here. Thus, i admit defeat. You, good sir, just won all the internets. ;)
Pretty sure what Juza is getting at is - why the hell would you give medical advice on a gaming forum, where nobody asked for it, and said advice being little more than common knowledge?
No harm in it I guess, but still, what's the point?
Juza The Cloud... of potentially infectious particles! DUN DUN DUN!

It makes sense, why else would he try to dismiss advice that would limit the spread of flu so ferociously?

Guys! If you're posting in a thread with a cloud of potentially infectious particles, leave immediately!
Pretty sure what Juza is getting at is - why the hell would you give medical advice on a gaming forum, where nobody asked for it, and said advice being little more than common knowledge?
No harm in it I guess, but still, what's the point?
1st, it's "general discussion" part of a gaming forum. If i'll fancy to post about bat's excrements, for example, you sure bet i will. Eat me. ;)

2nd, i know some guys in here are from US. Expected death toll of over 50k people in US means there is more than 0.01% chance someone in this forum will end up dead, which can get to something like 0.1% or even 1% if the thing escalates (which it might). I wouldn't mind dying in general (myself including), but to some stupid flu virus which is quite very easy to avoid? Would be a shame. Would also make me even less people to talk with in here, too.

3rd, my advice is intended to help, but not intended to be forced in any way. Anyone who don't like it? Be my guest, don't read it and/or don't use it. Heck, i don't make anyone to even enter this topic. If they do, means they have some interest in the subject, made 'em click it, seeing its name.

P.S. It really amazes me how lots of people see other people's opinions as something more than an opinion, you know. It is such a simple thing to diss anything you don't like in 'em internets, and short, too - quick to type. Anyone posting anything like "what a shitpost!" in response to anything i write - would be perfectly fine with me, you know. But somehow, almost nobody is that simple. Instead, lots of 'em try and put some extra meanings into things i say, totally imagining / inventing it in their heads. Strange, that, to me. I guess we all are much different and i guess the habit to judge based on one's own values and views is the primary cause... I wish there would be less of that. Ok, rant off. Kinda. For now. :D
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You sound like you're much older than 3 years old, R.Graves. If so, it means, the following happened in your lifetime alright. In a nutshell, ebola melts most people from within to death, after few weeks of incubation, and back then they had no effective vaccine, too. I wouldn't call it "pathetic", somehow.

You just happened to be in the "wrong" place those ~3.5 years ago, eh. Or do you think people who you can see in this video would agree with your post here?
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"Usually" != "always".
Granted, Graves worded it weirdly with "every" epidemic "usually" turning out to be pathetic, but hey, can't make everyone happy.
"Usually" != "always".
Granted, Graves worded it weirdly with "every" epidemic "usually" turning out to be pathetic, but hey, can't make everyone happy.

No contradiction. "Usually" can be used as a substitute for "generally". So, i read him as saying "every epidemic turns out to be pretty pathetic, generally", i.e. like "pretty pathetic, more or less", "pretty pathetic to put it simple", etc.

Whether he meant this meaning of the word or not is unknown to me, but the other meaning of the word - one which you mention - leads to contradiction, as you noted, thus "generally" remains the only logically possible meaning. I replied correspondedly.
Did I say it was a contradiction? It was worded weirdly, but for most it would be easy to see that Graves didn't mean it as an absolute statement wherein ALL epidemics were "pathetic", just that they usually (as in, often) turn out to be so.
But I think we already established that you're not really all that good with this whole "human speech" malarky.
I'm not really all that good, this is 100% true. But some other guys? They just don't know what they're saying at all. Sometimes.

P.S. "Can't make everyone happy", in the above context, means exactly "contradiction" - don't you think?
I'm not really all that good, this is 100% true. But some other guys? They just don't know what they're saying at all. Sometimes.

P.S. "Can't make everyone happy", in the above context, means exactly "contradiction" - don't you think?
No. "Can't make everyone happy" refered to the sentence being weird, not it being wrong. For my taste, combining "every" and "usually" makes the sentence more ambiguous than I would like it to be, but since English isn't my first language either, that's probably nothing out of the ordinary.
All my sentences are ambiguous to some degree or another, at least for the most part. I don't like painting myself into a corner with absolute speech.
I never said it was wrong. To me, "wrong" and "illogical" are very different things.
Yeah, I keep forgetting that I don't want to bother arguing with him about anything anymore.
Someone's having a memory capacity of a golden fish, which is far more disturbing problem. How many flu epidemics have you survived thus far, genius?