3 Shots That Changed America


Antediluvian as Feck
I just watched this fascinating documentary (I recommend it's viewing)...the beauty of this film is -

"The lack of voice over gives the stream of footage incredible power. Nobody's telling you what happened or how you're supposed to interpret it, and this frees the viewer to re-experience a moment of local chaos, national trauma and a time when the fledgling medium of TV news was just figuring itself out.

While presented in a minute-by-minute fashion, the clips arrive weird, raw and jumbled. The documentary often seems like a video version of an archaeological dig, with the editors trying to make sense of so many broken shards of pottery."


The entire documentary is based on the actual Television footage of the day, it gives an amazing insight into how chaotic and easy it was for Lee Harvey Oswald to be shot down in the basement of Dallas Police Headquarters.


So did Lee Harvey Oswald do the dirty work, or did elements in the John F. Kennedy administration have their elected leader murdered...I always felt the person who has the most to gain was Lyndon Johnson, who apparently couldn't stand Kennedy.


I always found if odd that Jacqueline Kennedy never really spoke about the assassination...there were rumors that one of Kennedy's mistresses was an actual KGB agent, of course that just adds to the mystery and the conspiratorial theories on the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Apparently in the scene in which Jacqueline Kennedy scrambles over the rear of the limousine, and is forced back into her seat by the Secret Service officer (Clint Hill) - she was attempting to retrieve a part of J.F.K's scull/brains that had exploded from his head just moments earlier.


Sounds nice, Pixote. I'll see if my local video store has it.

I've read some interesting things about Kennedy in my book on the history of LSD. About Tim Leary and how he provided LSD to many influential people, JFK and his lady included. Then about dr. Jacobson, who it seems delivered a lot of 'Feelgood' stuff to JFK. The diary of Mary Pinchot Meyer, who mentioned that they've done grass and LSD with the President in the White House, and who was 'mysteriously murdered' within a year after JFK. Also, Aldous Huxley dies on the day JFK assassination (but that's IMO random, seeing as he was on his death-bed already).

A lot of it is too far in the past now to be confirmed or denied, but there certainly seems to be a lot of unanswered questions. To me, a non-American who didn't live at the time and who is reliant on the media from the time and any literature I can find, it seems like JFK was indeed crossing some boundaries that certain people didn't want him to cross. He always seemed like the 'cool' and 'young' president. Of course, I know very little about his politics ()or politics in general) to be able to say that - it's all media image. :shrug:
Faceless_Stranger said:
thegaresexperience said:
Tremer said:
Faceless_Stranger said:
That's what happens when you ride in an open-roof motorcade in the USA and you're the target of the CIA... duh

Fixed it

Now its fixed
Now it's doubledy fixed :mrgreen:

Dammit :lol: I've become everything I hate

But anyway, I'll have to find this video, My junior year high school history spent a week and a half on the Kennedy assassination, it was so in depth I was amazed.

This part from Slacker is an interesting view in a conspiracy theorist's mind and I feel is relevant to this discussion[/url]
Not only JFK was foolish enough to go in an open car with all the danger involved. Remember Franz Ferdinand in 1914, that mofo ordered to remove the roof of the car after a failed bombing attempt just to show who was badass.
well, the serbians showed him how badass he was :P

Though I doubt we will ever really know all the informations behind the JFK assasination. Though he was definetly a interesting person and always in a fight with the military. I think he didnt liked their attitude as they wanted to tell him what to do.
Crni Vuk said:
well, the serbians showed him how badass he was :P

Though I doubt we will ever really know all the informations behind the JFK assasination. Though he was definetly a interesting person and always in a fight with the military. I think he didnt liked their attitude as they wanted to tell him what to do.

The usual deal: incompetence in security gets man/men killed, the US public thinks "well there MUST be a conspiracy here, how else could someone hit us so hard? We're invincible, right? RIGHT?!?"
Blakut said:
Crni Vuk said:
well, the serbians showed him how badass he was :P

Though I doubt we will ever really know all the informations behind the JFK assasination. Though he was definetly a interesting person and always in a fight with the military. I think he didnt liked their attitude as they wanted to tell him what to do.

The usual deal: incompetence in security gets man/men killed, the US public thinks "well there MUST be a conspiracy here, how else could someone hit us so hard? We're invincible, right? RIGHT?!?"

Exactly. It really stems from American exceptionalism more than anything else.
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
Exactly. It really stems from American exceptionalism more than anything else.

Not sure about that, but I tend to believe Oswald had help. But because of the evidence, not due to some conspiracy, shows two shooters. One in front (unknown), and one behind (Oswald) JFK. Most witnesses describe hearing 2-3 pops over several seconds. The first impact was JFK's upper back, exiting this lower throat, then impacting Connally. The second impact, looking at the video repeatedly appears to impact the front of JFK's head and exit the back blowing chunks of his head/brain backward. This is consistent with a high powered frontal impact. Not to mention his body slumps back and to the left with the impact, further adding to the frontal impact idea. Just before the 2nd hit he was slightly leaning forward due to being hit in the throat, I believe a second rear impact would have driven his body forward, not back and to the left.

I don't know if there is some huge conspiracy, or whom was involved. I do believe there was more than one shooter though.
Blakut said:
But but, what about echos? Spasm from the gunshot? Eh? Eh?

Spasm from the gunshot? Have you watched the video?

I didn't say anything about a conspiracy, I said there were two shooters. Video evidence supports this.
That's being a smartass? Because y'know, I have no idea what your point is either.