5 Ways to Tell You're Getting Too Old for Video Games

The gaming industry just won't make me my chess with guns games that I loved in the past anymore - looking at the recent developments on Jagged Alliance,now a RTwP game and X-Com now a generic FPS doesn't make it likely they will anytime soon.

Why can't they just do it like Lucas Arts did with Monkey Island?
Polish the graphics and the sound and don't touch anything else.

I enjoyed arena type shooters like Quake and UT more than the shooters with their tacticooled gear nowadays.

Suppose I'll have to give up on my dream game, a hybrid of Planescape Torment, Fallout and Jagged Alliance - that would be digital cocaine.

For now I'll just stick to my old games. Thanks to modding chess with guns is still fun after 12 years.
Bulletmachine said:
Why can't they just do it like Lucas Arts did with Monkey Island?
Polish the graphics and the sound and don't touch anything else.
It happens from time to time. There is an excellent Settlers II remake developed by Ubisoft, for example.