duckman said:Anyone else think the music is Truman Showish?? Please don't make me feel like I'm the only one here!
Yeah, you're right...Wonder if it's not actually from the Truman Show score. It fits the video pretty well.
duckman said:Anyone else think the music is Truman Showish?? Please don't make me feel like I'm the only one here!
Music was cool. Sounds familiar, like something out of a movie, what was it?
John Uskglass said:I wish he was pretty. And he was a she. And she had large breasts. That she would partially show over six years.
Ratty said:No person in the world has scarier eyes than this dude:
He always has the look of a homicidal maniac barely restraining himself from ripping out your kidneys with his bare hands.
keyser Soeze said:
Shut up fat ass. Get your fat ass out of the chair and try walking for once. It's fat fucks like you who are going to cost us normal sized people $billions due to the health problems of your FAT FAUCKING ASS!!!!