Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

OOC: Ambience
"Damn if I know, it's just a light." The light looked almost surreal, it was making weird shadows with the tombstones. 'Just a light' was Mark's way of saying 'the light doesn't seem to have a source and makes absolutely no sense to me' "I have an idea, James, come with me."
James took his M-16, dismounted and followed Mark towards the figure. Mark just needed to find out what this was, he needed to know it was probably two people one sitting on the shoulders of the other, covered in black robes trying to scare them. It was probably some scared civilians doing something desperate to scare them away. But they wereren't taking any chances, both James and Mark aiming their weapons at the figure.
Mark started to get even closer, James following close behind. The figure was huge, towering over Mark as he got closer, a feeling of uneasynes, something deep inside him telling him to get the hell out of there right now as fast as he could, but he looked straight into the figure, challenging it, to show it's true self. Contrary to what he expected, the figure made less sense as he got closer, now he knew it wasnt someone dessed up in black robes, whatever 'it' was it wasn't human, but no turning back now.
Finally the firgure just vanishes in front of his nose, like it wasn't even there in the first place, the blue light is gone too, only Mark and James remain, illuminated by the tank's seachlight. Mark turns around a looks at James, tring to see in his face if he saw the same he did. In that moment a wooden white burial cross comes flying trough with such force that stabs James trough the ribs, James falls to the ground, and lays there with the absent open eyes of the dead, with a cross sticking out of his chest. Mark's face deforms into an expression of pure horror, but no time to try to make sense out of it, as random objects start hitting the tank with force, bouncing off it's armor. Mark starts running towards the tank, and as he starts mounting it he realizes that either because of the dark or because they were well hidden among the houses, there is no one to be seen around who could be throwing the objects. Mark gets to the 50. and starts shooting blindly in the dark, if anything maybe to scare away whatever it was attacking them.
The blue light was now back and started to slowly move, or rather 'float' towards the tank, making weird moving shadows as it moved among the tombstones.
"Damn if I know, it's just a light." The light looked almost surreal, it was making weird shadows with the tombstones. 'Just a light' was Mark's way of saying 'the light doesn't seem to have a source and makes absolutely no sense to me' "I have an idea, James, come with me."
James took his M-16, dismounted and followed Mark towards the figure. Mark just needed to find out what this was, he needed to know it was probably two people one sitting on the shoulders of the other, covered in black robes trying to scare them. It was probably some scared civilians doing something desperate to scare them away. But they wereren't taking any chances, both James and Mark aiming their weapons at the figure.
Mark started to get even closer, James following close behind. The figure was huge, towering over Mark as he got closer, a feeling of uneasynes, something deep inside him telling him to get the hell out of there right now as fast as he could, but he looked straight into the figure, challenging it, to show it's true self. Contrary to what he expected, the figure made less sense as he got closer, now he knew it wasnt someone dessed up in black robes, whatever 'it' was it wasn't human, but no turning back now.
Finally the firgure just vanishes in front of his nose, like it wasn't even there in the first place, the blue light is gone too, only Mark and James remain, illuminated by the tank's seachlight. Mark turns around a looks at James, tring to see in his face if he saw the same he did. In that moment a wooden white burial cross comes flying trough with such force that stabs James trough the ribs, James falls to the ground, and lays there with the absent open eyes of the dead, with a cross sticking out of his chest. Mark's face deforms into an expression of pure horror, but no time to try to make sense out of it, as random objects start hitting the tank with force, bouncing off it's armor. Mark starts running towards the tank, and as he starts mounting it he realizes that either because of the dark or because they were well hidden among the houses, there is no one to be seen around who could be throwing the objects. Mark gets to the 50. and starts shooting blindly in the dark, if anything maybe to scare away whatever it was attacking them.
The blue light was now back and started to slowly move, or rather 'float' towards the tank, making weird moving shadows as it moved among the tombstones.
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