95 Dollars for a DAMN Delivery

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Some weeks ago I Was pre-ordering Fallout Tactics in the interplay store to get the cool extras :)
I was finishing when i noticed that they were wanting to charge over 95 dollars for South America Shipping.... What the %@!# they have on minds?? WHO is gonna spend 95 dollars with shipping... bah...... then I ordered at chips and bits..... quite disapointing...... i wanted the package badly :(
>Some weeks ago I Was pre-ordering
>Fallout Tactics in the interplay
>store to get the cool
>extras :)
>I was finishing when i noticed
>that they were wanting to
>charge over 95 dollars for
>South America Shipping.... What the
>%@!# they have on minds??
>WHO is gonna spend 95
>dollars with shipping... bah...... then
>I ordered at chips and
>bits..... quite disapointing...... i wanted
>the package badly :(

That's why you should live in *North* America.. :)


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[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-01 AT 01:43AM (GMT)[p]And that's WHY Interplay will lose money - it's too much money. And that's why piracy prospers at some countries.

[img align=center" src="//redrival.com/aptyp/ftclogo-t.gif]

[font color=#FF0000]
No trash-talking, lower-case prone, ignorant, self-centered, 'in-your-face', 'i-am-always-right-so-you-can-suck-my-dick', 'shit-for-brains' idiots allowed.
>And that's WHY Interplay will lose
>money - it's too much
>money. And that's why piracy
>prospers at some countries.

My friend from Brazil told me that there are people sitting on the side of the street who opening sell pirated copies of programs on CDs. You just walk up there, browse through their collection and buy Photoshop 6.0 with many other programs on the CD for $10.

Software companies need to realize that many people who pirate would *never* buy their products even if they could never get their hands on a pirated version. All those "billions" of dollars they allegedly lose per year is bogus because the piraters would never buy it anyway.

I believe you should buy software if you make a profit using it, but I don't think Photoshop or any other program is worth buying if you're not going to make money with it. Personally I think you should pay for the product with the money you earn from the use of it, and that's how all software should be "sold."


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But then how would the companies keep track of all that? They can't rely on people's honesty otherwise they'd be bankrupt.

>I believe you should buy software
>if you make a profit
>using it, but I don't
>think Photoshop or any other
>program is worth buying if
>you're not going to make
>money with it. Personally
>I think you should pay
>for the product with the
>money you earn from the
>use of it, and that's
>how all software should be
>[div align=center]


[a href=//fallout.gamestats.com/pipboy2000le/][IMG SRC=//fallout.gamestats.com/pipboy2000le/img/tmslogo.gif" border=0][/a]

[a href="mailto: Smackrazor@mailandnews.com" style="font-family:arial;font-size: 9pt;color:#008DE6;text-decoration:underline;]Smackrazor[/a]

[font style=font-family:arial;font-size: 9pt;color:#008DE6;]The Modding Kingpin​
In Russia (well, at least the city where I came from) there were STORES that sold pirated CDs. They had a sign and an advert-t in newspaper... Don't know if they still operate, but I bet they do.

[img align=center" src="//redrival.com/aptyp/ftclogo-t.gif]

[font color=#FF0000]
No trash-talking, lower-case prone, ignorant, self-centered, 'in-your-face', 'i-am-always-right-so-you-can-suck-my-dick', 'shit-for-brains' idiots allowed.
Preach the word, Brother!!! NT

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-01 AT 02:17AM (GMT)[p]NT Dude!!!
>But then how would the companies
>keep track of all that?
>They can't rely on people's
>honesty otherwise they'd be bankrupt.

True, but think about it, the only people who actually buy the software are the people who make money making stuff with it. Everyone else borrows a copy or downloads it.


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So you're all saying, "let's have companies pay and pay and pay out of their own pockets so that that they can just give away the games they make, most of which people will take just for the hell of it?"

I'm not trying to flame or anything-- if this isn't what you mean, just tell me what I've missed.

"Nil Desperandum"

RE: Soooo.....

Hey, all The Mod Squad's software is free and we didn't spend any money making it.

>So you're all saying, "let's have
>companies pay and pay and
>pay out of their own
>pockets so that that they
>can just give away the
>games they make, most of
>which people will take just
>for the hell of it?"
>I'm not trying to flame or
>anything-- if this isn't what
>you mean, just tell me
>what I've missed.
>"Nil Desperandum"

[a href=//fallout.gamestats.com/pipboy2000le/][IMG SRC=//fallout.gamestats.com/pipboy2000le/img/tmslogo.gif" border=0][/a]

[a href="mailto: Smackrazor@mailandnews.com" style="font-family:arial;font-size: 9pt;color:#008DE6;text-decoration:underline;]Smackrazor[/a]

[font style=font-family:arial;font-size: 9pt;color:#008DE6;]The Modding Kingpin​
>In Russia (well, at least the
>city where I came from)
>there were STORES that sold
>pirated CDs. They had a
>sign and an advert-t in
>newspaper... Don't know if they
>still operate, but I bet
>they do.

Hey, it's easy to tear something down, but not to replace it with something. Piracy helps those people get by (or not), and it isn't like the software corporations would see profit from those people anyway.

The software manufacturers are pretty much earning what they would earn without piracy.


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>then should games be free since
>no one profits from them?

But the thing is that most of the people playing games like the game enough that they would actually buy it themselves if they had to. *Those* people should buy the game, but not after they've tried it out. That's why shareware is a good method to get people to buy games, because while it doesn't give them the full game, it lets them see what the game is all about.

But when it comes to stuff like appz and such, most of the people who pirate them would never buy them anyway.


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Well, you guys are the nice ones :)

The companies, however, have employees. Employees that need, from time to time, to eat. Or pay the rent. Their game programs aren't a part-time or fun-time endeavor-- it's their job. I hate to state the obvious, but wanting free goods of such a degree in a capitalist society is just wishful thinking by the consumer.

"Nil Desperandum"

>My friend from Brazil told me
>that there are people sitting
>on the side of the
>street who opening sell pirated
>copies of programs on CDs.
> You just walk up
>there, browse through their collection
>and buy Photoshop 6.0 with
>many other programs on the
>CD for $10.
>Software companies need to realize that
>many people who pirate would
>*never* buy their products even
>if they could never get
>their hands on a pirated
>version. All those "billions"
>of dollars they allegedly lose
>per year is bogus because
>the piraters would never buy
>it anyway.
>I believe you should buy software
>if you make a profit
>using it, but I don't
>think Photoshop or any other
>program is worth buying if
>you're not going to make
>money with it. Personally
>I think you should pay
>for the product with the
>money you earn from the
>use of it, and that's
>how all software should be

Here in brazil, you can buy a pirated CD copy for R$5 (about U$2,5)
I will not lie... I have some CDs, but why? I prefer english versions of games (have you ever seen a portuguese patch for any game)and will you pay $500 for windows?? Sometimes I order games to get the extra-stuff and make collections of them.... like the Ultima series maps... or the Fallout Tactics Bag and extra missions..... than I try to buy and discover that the only shipment method costs U$95.... now what do you think that someone will do?
buy an original CD for $150 or the pirated copy for $2,5...

If they make reasonable prices, maybe someday I could start buying original CDs Again
>I prefer english versions of games
>(have you ever seen a
>portuguese patch for any game)

He he he, have you seen a Russian 'patch' (called rusification)? :-D :-D :-D

[img align=center" src="//redrival.com/aptyp/ftclogo-t.gif]

[font color=#FF0000]
No trash-talking, lower-case prone, ignorant, self-centered, 'in-your-face', 'i-am-always-right-so-you-can-suck-my-dick', 'shit-for-brains' idiots allowed.