RE: Squares
<< Oh, then why use a map huh? >>
So that you can wander around blankly, without having to travel to a town you know about.
<< But not as much as a differce from crossing a square from 18 to as much as 8 hours. >>

: You never know, I'm pretty sure most people would have trouble navigating in a wasteland. It's just, outdoorsman doesn't affect the travel time enough.
<< It is illogical to look for food when you have it. >>
Please, don't attempt to bring logic into games. There are a bunch of other logic problems.
<< About micromanaging, tell me, how were you gonna do that? >>
Stop every couple hours, eat an apple, hop back in the car, stop, eat, travel.
<< I mean that the distance from Arroyo to New York is nine times the distance from Arroyo to Vault City, that would make the map about 300 to 400 miles on 28 squares, would make the squares approx. 10x10 to 13x13, walking in a straight line through it would afterall take 5 to 6 hours, not 18, even if you double that in order to get food thats illogical. >>
But, who says your character is walking in a straight line? It's not like there's a road to walk along, I doubt there's even markers.
There are also mountains between Arroyo and VC. Well travelling through the mountains definately slows you down (although, I don't think you'd travel very fast over desert either).
Then you have to factor in the amount of weight your character is packing while he's going. I don't know if you've ever been backpacking through the mountains (or over any terrain), but it's not exactly the swiftest travel. Traveling 12 miles on a trail with a 40lb pack took me about 8 hours. It wasn't all travel time, but at least 6.5 hours was.
I think you're forgetting alot of aspects that would figure in. The only problem I see is with car travel. But, who knows, maybe your character is really only traveling 6 hours a day, and sitting in the shade when the suns up. If you want to get real nit-picky. I don't think a car would last 160 years. I also don't think the supplies to get it running again would be available.