A few questions for the Gods of FOT Modding...


Transcending the Multiverse
Is is possible to set up some type of counter with triggers? Something like a FOR/NEXT loop using variables and timers. I did some experimenting with the trigger 'Add 1 to timer' and a small little loop I made with preserved triggers, but the timer would only increment the first time and then the subsequent 'Add 1 to timer'(s) weren't acknowledged. I used the 'show timer' trigger so I could watch and determine if it was working properly... but it didn't seem to work.

Also what is the maximum capacity regarding number of triggers and quantity of speech nodes allowable in a single map? is there a set limit? or is it the sky is the limit?

I already have over 400 speech nodes in one of my maps and begin to worry that maybe its hard coded to only allow 512 nodes or 1024 or something along those lines... 2000 nodes would probably be sufficient for my needs.

Any help greatly appreciated... AND... I will have more questions for the all knowing wise ones...

(I bow in your presence.)
I don't know of any limit, but I think your the first modder to get anywhere close to one if there is. Unless Jarekfall has noticed something under the hood you are the first explorer in this virgin territory.

What sort of counter are you trying to set up? I vaguely remember that the add timer doesn't function as expected it just resets the timer to the number you add iirc.
I was just trying to set up a counter, so that after a set amount of times the loop would trigger a variable and a further subroutine. It would be handy to have, since otherwise you have to manually script each trigger individually for each time you want the loop to execute.

An Example: After the player enters a town for the (x)th time, a trigger is executed.

It's no big deal if x = 4 or something small then you only need 4 times the triggers in your routine. but if you want if to fire on the 25th or so time, then it's a whole new ball game.

Another question if I can...

is there a way to make an NPC merchant steal proof? ie: he always catches you, and you can never successfully steal.

Also, I can't recall if there is a breakable deathclaw egg sprite? I seem to remember something like that, no?
is there a way to make an NPC merchant steal proof? ie: he always catches you, and you can never successfully steal.

Try Perception=10, Steal=999%. AFAIR, victim's Steal skill affects difficulty of stealing.
There's sprites\critters\deathclawegg.spr.

Thanks, It appears I didn't have all of my files unpacked on my new(er) computer.

And TwoEyedYum, thank you aswell.

And now if I might... More questions.

Is it possible to endlessly spawn enemy NPCs on a single player map-- So that the baddies just keep coming and coming as long as the player is on the map?

Also, I am interested in learning how to make sprites. Other than the actual sprite editor (which do you recommend? Redviewer or ? ?) What other software will I need and can I get for free?

Also is it a complex process to change a tile into a sprite? I can't remember, didn't someone make a utility program for this years ago? I want to make some rubble sprites that I can use in a cave-in type of scenario and converting the tiles into sprite seems to be the logical route. Or maybe make some blastable walls.
As far as I can remember the game doesn't spawn any npcs except in random encounters, everyone has to be already in the map but deactivated.

One way you could do it is have, say half a dozen npcs each with their own tagname. Set up a staging area off screen with a deathtrap that is set to do negative damage, this will heal characters. Set up some waypoints, one in the staging area and several paths leading from the four corners of the map. Have each npc set to follow the waypoints, which should lead them to the player's squad. Then have a series of permanent triggers to check the npc's hitpoints, when their hitpoints reach near death have the trigger deactivate the npc and teleport them back to the staging area. Then a trigger to check if the npc is healed, if so then teleport them back to the start of the waypoint path and reactivate them. You can hide their disappearance with the big explosion effect (would work best with robots).

If you just want to make an inanimate sprite then you should be able to just open it in redviewer or sprite creator and extract the image from the tile and import it into a sprite. Creating inventory and inanimate scenery sprites can be done with gimp and either program. Animated sprites are going to need sprite creator and a 3d modelling program, best ask Darin and jarekfall about hints and tips.
xkcon said:
Is it possible to endlessly spawn enemy NPCs on a single player map-- So that the baddies just keep coming and coming as long as the player is on the map?

Hi xkcon. This question was obviously not directed towards me as I am not a modding god or even a modder. I look at this forum looking for mods to play. But when I read your question, I thought "Doesn't this happen if you attack the BOS in one of their bunkers during the original single player campaign?" Maybe I'm wrong but might be worth looking at.....

If your goal is to force the player to flee a map without a doomsday timer, you could also set up many waves of tough opponents who take alot of ammo to kill and make them non-lootable. Force the player to run out of ammo before the last wave. Not fool proof but its an idea.
>>> "Doesn't this happen if you attack the BOS in one of their bunkers during the original single player campaign?"

Nope. Trigger "reactivates" one group of soldiers with heavy weaponry. This group is deactivated by default, you can see it in Editor.

So only limited spawning available. But your idea is good enough.
Got some questions, too, and the topic name is fine. Also it looks abandoned.

1) Is there any way to close rgb tag? I.e. <rgb>. Like if I want to color NPC name without spreading the color to whole combat log after hitting that NPC.

2) How to increase rank in campaign?
requiem_for_a_starfury said:
Reinar said:
1) Is there any way to close rgb tag? I.e. <rgb>. Like if I want to color NPC name without spreading the color to whole combat log after hitting that NPC.
Great! Thanks. It colors the text in main window white, but combat log is now ok.
does anyone know....

How are dead squad member corpses dealt with? Can I remove them after a death, or do they remain on the map 'forever'?

This is something I haven't experimented with...