When I started with Fallout sometimes while playing I would click use on the punching bags (at BOS in FO1 for example) hoping to get a cool message or something - many things other than that seemed to have cool things happen like that ! One of the reasons I liked Fallout
It would be cool if in FO2 one place would give you a +1 to melee/unarmed damage when you punch the punching bad 200 times in a row. But so that you'd find out about it you'd have to hear of it from a barfly or something like that - like in Klamath at the Gecko where you let the dude 'pull your leg' and then he teaches you how to fight (+10 bonus to melee and unarmed ?).
Someone might tell the stupid tribal to go and punch the bag 200 times to become strong and then laugh when you go do it. Then you come back and punch him in the kidneys and he'd have to admit that he's your bitch now.
Lo Pan might be liable to play a stunt like that on a newcomer - and then get beaten up in the ring, just to ''find'' the gun to get out alive
It would be cool if in FO2 one place would give you a +1 to melee/unarmed damage when you punch the punching bad 200 times in a row. But so that you'd find out about it you'd have to hear of it from a barfly or something like that - like in Klamath at the Gecko where you let the dude 'pull your leg' and then he teaches you how to fight (+10 bonus to melee and unarmed ?).
Someone might tell the stupid tribal to go and punch the bag 200 times to become strong and then laugh when you go do it. Then you come back and punch him in the kidneys and he'd have to admit that he's your bitch now.
Lo Pan might be liable to play a stunt like that on a newcomer - and then get beaten up in the ring, just to ''find'' the gun to get out alive