A little question guys


First time out of the vault
Hey all i was reading a guide on the site about making a person in fallout 2 and it said that somewhere in the game a person can do a trick and raise your luck by 2 can someone fill me in on where this is at.

Thanks alot
Yeah, this can be done in NCR or San Fran. Go visit the Hubologists, ask around and agree to have a Zeta-Scan. I'd save my game before doing this, though, because sometimes you can actually lose points as well. Check Per's guide for details.
thanks alot one last question tho is there any other way to get the seria army depot on your map other then the wrights? thanks alot
Not to my knowledge. You can't get the Wright quest , you don't get to SAD. And you can't get the quest if, for example, you're a Slaver and have <100% Speech... But, allegedly, you can get a survey map with SAD location from the wall safe in Orville's room. You'd probably have to kill Orville first to spawn the map, because i did not find it while 'silently' browsing through the safe's content.

Other than that, you are only left with map cheats (for example , replace the "Golgotha" map in your save with the "Battlefield" map)
VaultDweller said:
Don't hafta kill ol' plane inventor :D Jist give'em kids a gun and let'em show it to 'eir daddy :twisted:

It's quite like killing him, is it not? ;) Have you confirmed that killing Orville (either silently or noisily) spawns the SAD map?
Not quite :) But I will.

I looked into the safe and THERE WAS NO MAP AT ALL. I've searched all the bookshelves and nothing. Tried stealing from Wright- nothing. I need to kill Wright and try again.

Edit 2
Still no map in safe after having Wright killed. Nice try, no dice. I've tried it with an unofficial patch 1.05.