Tim stretched his legs quickly and followed the group as they made there way hastfully away from the city side of the mountain, Tim noticed that the group didnt really seem to be organised with no clear leader or high araki but though nothing of it. He had been hoping to find a well organised millitary like outfit in place but was more than happy with what he had encountered.
The group made there way accross the top of the mountain and were begginning the decent on the far side, this is where things ground to a slow crawl as there was an abundence of foliage and trees. The ground seemed slightly looser here, almost moist.
The group carried on slipping and sliding at a few spots making there way down the opposite side of the mountain.
The group made there way accross the top of the mountain and were begginning the decent on the far side, this is where things ground to a slow crawl as there was an abundence of foliage and trees. The ground seemed slightly looser here, almost moist.
The group carried on slipping and sliding at a few spots making there way down the opposite side of the mountain.