A New "I Am Legend" Movie

Similar complaints to everyone else. In short, in my ideal Hollywood this kind of movie would be considered average overall but good in the alone feeling, the dog, and the overall feel.
I saw it a couple of days ago and I have to say I liked it.
The book sounds fantastic too and hopefully has less annoying christians.
But even though I liked it, the thought of a possible sequel makes my gut cringe. Unfortunately, it sounds pretty likely to me, given the huge amount of sequels coming out these days.
One of the worst movies I've seen this year. I didn't expect it to be anything like the book, but they could at least have made it good. Grenade going nuclear at the end and the very poorly CGI monsters (1998 standard) really did it for me.

Also, Will Smith.
The Overseer said:
One of the worst movies I've seen this year. I didn't expect it to be anything like the book, but they could at least have made it good. Grenade going nuclear at the end and the very poorly CGI monsters (1998 standard) really did it for me.

Also, Will Smith.

Agreed on all points. Although Will Smith was ok.

I was sorely let down by this film. AVP2 would have been a better use of my time and money.
AVP2 is soooooooooo(...)oooooo much worse than "I am Legend"...Seriously now, do not expect it to be better than the first one. It is just as uninspired. Maybe even worse. I am serious about that !
MrBumble said:
AVP2 is soooooooooo(...)oooooo much worse than "I am Legend"...Seriously now, do not expect it to be better than the first one. It is just as uninspired. Maybe even worse. I am serious about that !

It's a question of intent. AvP is not supposed to be 'good', rather a simple action flick. It does not disappoint, nor try be what it isn't.

I Am Legend on the other hand...
I Am Legend 2: Electric Boogaloo.

(Or, just possibly, a sequel set in the same world that maintains absolutely none of the original's (already iffy) pacing and atmosphere. Think "Chronicles of Riddick.")
some epic story about how the american religious nutjobs prevail over 'evil' by converting the zombies back into a sub-human pariah caste which is then used as slave labour to rebuild society.
I loved it, and the minimal score was great, very refreshing from some movies that have shitty soundtracks that ruin the movie.

The sad part? This movie will get ZERO awards...Why? Because it doesn't "mean" anything...film critics make me want to vomit.
fallout ranger said:
And the mannequins was a neat little reference back to Omega Man.

The whole movie was a reference to Omega Man. A bad one, at that. Not that the Omega Man was good.
fallout ranger said:
The sad part? This movie will get ZERO awards...Why? Because it doesn't "mean" anything...film critics make me want to vomit.

In what way would this movie deserve any awards? The first half of the movie was ok, but then it went sharply downhill. The CGI was atrocious. *Spoiler* And what was going on with the infected? They defied all laws of physics and somehow gained superhero strength and toughness. They could burst through metal and hardened glass barriers, and rip through planks and tiles with their bare hands/teeth. All without showing any injury at all!?!? I would have preferred more realism from the infected creatures, rather than have a virus turn them into identical looking supernatural beings. The CGI lions were also total crap, the dogs were ok though. *end spoiler*

Will Smith should really just stick to generic action or comedy flicks in future. There are many actors, both black and white, who could have done a much better job. There were times parts of the audience burst into laughter just because they were expecting something funny from Smith. His facial expressions always look a small step away from comical, no matter how serious he's trying to act.

I'd give it a 4/10.

The Overseer said:
Not that the Omega Man was good.

The Omerga Man was ok. If you watched it when it first came out you would have enjoyed it more, it's aged a bit now though. Of course the book was best of all.
