A new MOD


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Hello all you men and women of NMA-Fallout...

I am The Pastmaster and I am making a MOD that is due to finish in
the next weeks and I was wondering if I could send it here for
Upload when it is done?
Actually, there's something wrong with the uploads, I've uploaded Lich's Bunker 21 a number of times and it doesn't show up (I'll try again later today...)
I am making a MOD at home (as you know) but I have a little prob...
1. How to you make new critters that STAY in the mapper?
I used FUCK to make the .pro file and the mapper to edit it but how
do I convert the .txt into a .pro file
2. Likewise for items but I don´t use any ting but the mapper here...

And would some one like to make me a cup of scripts? This one is a
big hush-hush secret and it is PM and E-Mail communication only!
Post and I´ll give ya the detailes...

Credit is awarded for all help!
The_Pastmaster said:
I am making a MOD at home (as you know) but I have a little prob...
1. How to you make new critters that STAY in the mapper?
I used FUCK to make the .pro file and the mapper to edit it but how
do I convert the .txt into a .pro file
2. Likewise for items but I don´t use any ting but the mapper here...

None of the pro files are text files. If you edited them with FUCK they are still binary (not text). They already are pro files, so there is nothing to do to convert them. Since you say how to make them STAY .... I suspect they are being deleted. Try setting the file permissions to read only on the new pro files you create. And see this:


If you make changes to the protos in the mapper, it does create a text version of the pro files in \Fallout2\dev\proto, and it is possible to rebuild protos from those text files. But the ones you edit with FUCK are not the text ones ... they are the binary .pro files.
The_Pastmaster said:
Well the thing was I disscovered that the files where read-only cheked and therfor the
mapper screwd me

Its annoying but ... if the pro files are not read-only then the game will often delete them ... but if they are read-only then the mapper will not let you change them. It seems like the mapper won't delete the pro files but the FO2 engine will. So if you do most of your initial testing in the mapper, leave them writeable, then change them to read-only for use in the FO2 engine, that seems to work.