I would like to know how can I make the BOS use their own helmets instead of the standard T-51b helmet.
I made 2 different textures (yes I know making textures doesn't automatically add them the way you want) yet there's just one helmet on the list:
What I need to do is to separate the helmets and and make the BOS use this type of armor/helmet:
With the partially silvery gloves that have their files created, but need to be added somehow so they can be shown instead of the green standard gloves, the armor itself works - main body parts.
Second problem - helmets. Making the BOS use proper helmets instead of the standard ones.
And the standard to use this type of armor/helmet:
With the partially green gloves that work. Actually this entire set works ok, but I simply need to keep both sets completely separate. One more old fashioned and the other more silvery Van Buren like.
Here are all the files I made so far:
Will anyone be able to either:
1) Help me out, tell me how can I do this.
2) Do this for me.
3) Link me some tutorial which is not a wall of text that will hit me like 200 rounds shot from a minigun. Preferably on youtube. I need something fast, uncomplicated and described step, by step. If it's not then please don't link it. I'll just waste my time looking at it while I could be editing other textures and models.
I made 2 different textures (yes I know making textures doesn't automatically add them the way you want) yet there's just one helmet on the list:

What I need to do is to separate the helmets and and make the BOS use this type of armor/helmet:

With the partially silvery gloves that have their files created, but need to be added somehow so they can be shown instead of the green standard gloves, the armor itself works - main body parts.
Second problem - helmets. Making the BOS use proper helmets instead of the standard ones.
And the standard to use this type of armor/helmet:

With the partially green gloves that work. Actually this entire set works ok, but I simply need to keep both sets completely separate. One more old fashioned and the other more silvery Van Buren like.
Here are all the files I made so far:
Will anyone be able to either:
1) Help me out, tell me how can I do this.
2) Do this for me.
3) Link me some tutorial which is not a wall of text that will hit me like 200 rounds shot from a minigun. Preferably on youtube. I need something fast, uncomplicated and described step, by step. If it's not then please don't link it. I'll just waste my time looking at it while I could be editing other textures and models.