A real Schizophrenia case.

The Vault Dweller

always looking for water.
For those of you who understand a little psychology schizophrenia is very bizarre. Many schizophrenic's are highly intelligent, but suffer from having a "broken mind" where there thoughts and ideas become fractured and put together in ways that make them either nonsense or confusing. Ultimately however if you can piece what they say apart it really is nothing out of the ordinary. I have an example...

For those who just want to see something weird this is for you too...


Now dont read it all...its way to long and makes little sense! However I read enough to understand it. The author makes the case that time should be represented by a cube and not a cirlce since a cube has four sides and thus represents time as four six hour segments that are divided equally. Yet the entire article is broken into needless sections often in different font and color. Why? Who knows what the author's thinking...the person even goes and says things at seem to transcend any logic, especially the religious references.

I found this site listed with others under a page of "weird" links.

The Vault Dweller
Flop said:
Look man, I didn't read the link, but a cube has six sides.
Schizophrenic guy said:
It is dumb, stupid, evil and unworthy of
life on Earth to claim that this Creation
Cube has 6 sides - or no top and bottom.
This dude sounds like Rosh at times...
Oh god, not timecube again.

PS - If you don't believe in timecube you are stupid and evil, and also an idiot.

PPS - MIT sucks! Down with linear time, up with four seperate 24 hour days! Timecube is right, anyone who says different is evil! And stupid!
Belief has no inherent value, but worship of such nonvalue as a god, equates to nonacceptance of Cubic knowledge - as demonstrated by ineffable Truth and the Highest Order of Wisdom.
Who cares. Let's go get laid, and then wasted. When we wake up we might think about making something creative and contributive to the well-being of mankind.

Like shooting someone.
And so it was that Wooz pinpointed the unquestionably best philosophy to be presented in human words.
Flop said:
calculon00 said:
The timesquare is foreign to you because you are educated stupid!

I didn't want to say anything before, but now that this has been bumped I just wanted to say that that was a joke in response to you saying that a cube has 6 sides.