A review of the RP game progression experience and small tweak suggestions

Well, a few typo bugs have been fixed in the meanwhile but I'm not sure if I applied them. If you notice any, deffinitely post or pm.

You can find everything I did easily. If you can raise a 1000 gold and a bit of speech and buy Vic from Metzger, just ask him how he was captured, save game and go to the Slaver Camp and tell Metzger sent you. Then keep going along towards VC and once you're there talk to the Bartender at "the Tap" in VC about booze, and talk to the information center guy. The talk to Stark, do Gecko scouting, and return. Then pick up the BH scouting, save game and start the Vault Village quest. BH scouting is just that, a scouting like Gecko and NCR, you can see if it's working after you do VV, and you can try out different stuff with VV, there's a million ways to solve it with varying degrees of closure (I made it so you can deliver the guns and still do the diplomatic part). Since I left the original speech check with McClure if you get there with 80% speech it's probably going to be really really easy to solve, but I tuned up other variations.

Not sure if I adjusted the XP low enough, though. Anyway, play around with the various scenarios, you'll be pointed to various players, I mainly rewrote Connar in the Village and tweaked Seargeant Stark and McClure a bit.

And that's all pretty much.

The Vic dialogue worked just fine, no issues and I didn't notice any typos or glaring grammatical errors. The Stark quest worked quite well and gave me a reason to go to Broken Hills - other than getting a Super Mutant with a minigun as a companion. I ran through the VV quest as I always have, though I couldn't just go straight to The Brain, I had to talk to Mcclure first (which makes sense - good call on that change!). I also talked to the Vault City Librarian to find the Abbey, instead of having to stumble upon it or Father Tully.

I don't think an 80% is too low of a requirement. If you were to alter anything, I would keep it under 100.

All of this to say - excellent changes! I found the overall flow to be very intuitive, and I think it works well within the purity of Killap's RP.

I'm glad I got to see this plan pan out, lujo. I've been on board since day one!

Ty, so relieved someone tested and liked it ^^

I tried to go along with the core "Vic is a useless mechanic" running gag that pays off when he turns into an incredible shot later on, and I wanted it to come off as a moment of utter panic on part of the CO, like "life flashing before my eyes" desparation bluff (at the slavers). Glad you liked it.

Also, I shook that VV quest up quite a bit, made stark less of a moustache twirling villan (whoever wrote that thing originally had a problem w tact/tone), made it completable in many ways (you can even straight give up, it's, like, a dialogue option!). Not entirely proud on all my dialogue, a few places could use a bit of work (and shotening, I always scold people in-game textwalls, but I'm a bit guilty here and there). I didn't actually touch the brain much, if he's messy he's messy because he's originally like that. I did add a way to find EPA buried in his dialogue, but it's a bit obscure :)

As for the BH - well, it's more than that, since you'd get the NCR scouting in it's place you'd visit BH anway, this way you do, can take the mine parts into new reno hook, give tully his wine, find the map, take out raiders on the way back and not really be too tempted or feel too obliged to crack NCR (and possibly loot up Vault 15 and 13 while you're there) before you're get a chance to play out the midgame a bit.

Glad you found it unobtrusive, it's the one thing I'm most interested in getting into the RP.

And phobos made a tweak to the raiders map in E&R (probably under gameflofixes section) which I've tested 2 times so far, and is kinda working well - we put the trap corridor at the other entrance. Flavor reason is that if the raiders have a well guarded and wholly unguarded entrance, and if I had a mine filled scorpion pit corridor I'd be guarding the other way. Anyone coming through the mines would be herd a mile off. Metagame reason is - the fight is incredibly easy if you come through the gas station entrance, and the corridor is more of a non-combat challenge, so if you arrange it like we did you have an easy to find entreance which leads to a tough cobat challenge, and a hard to find entrance which leads to an easy fight but you have to navigate the mines and the pits to get there. It's not in the package I sent Killap, but maybe it could be, who knows, there's pro's and cons to it.

Anywho - very glad you liked the fixes, and I'm glad they got made. Hope more people try and confirm them.

I'm thinking that maybe Khol could reward you symbolicaly for bringing him the totaly out of place and unused random books lying around the abbey (there's 2 or 3). Just a 100 XP or something, doesn't have to even be marked in the pipboy or anything, but a tangible and rewarding little hook.

EDIT: Also, woudn't have ever done it without phobos!
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I had to restart my game (never got beyond the Den) and did an uninstall/reinstall in a fresh directory. Is this the link to the most recent version of your fix?

Thanks for the support guys, and here's the first alpha build of this thing, finally:

gameflowfixes alpha 1, download link:


I'm planning on incorporating this fix along with alt-Miria (and YAAM). Should that be a drama-free combination?
Hmmm, that should be it, and I'm playing with alt-Miria and more than YAAM, so it should be fine. Maybe there's been typo tweaks here and there.
Teukros, I would suggest just going ahead and doing the Economy Rebalance mod, as it has YAMM, crafting, better traps, barter system and Lujo's fixes.

It's probably the best mod (next to the RP) for Fallout 2.
Teukros, I would suggest just going ahead and doing the Economy Rebalance mod, as it has YAMM, crafting, better traps, barter system and Lujo's fixes.

It's probably the best mod (next to the RP) for Fallout 2.

I think it requires RP, though.
Well, good point. But there's megamod and stuff, I guess there's people who play it. And there's quite some guys over at RPGcodex who're not quite impressed with the added content, so they play with the unofficial patch, but not the RP.

One thing I LOVED about the megamod was the extra map space, and that skynet was a fucking sentry bot. I wish I had the mod chops to add Skynet as a sentry bot into the RP. But that's beyond my skill set.
What's IN the extra map space? And adding skynet as a rocket bot might not even be that difficult, tbh. I would probably under no circumstances ever consider doing it, but it shouldn't be too difficult to standaloneize if someone did want to. Maybe.
If you did that I would be your best friend. Skynet honestly probably wouldn't be as good because he would be limited to the number of rockets you have an 5mm ammo. But it's still cool.

I asked about it a few months ago, but nobody else really wanted it.
Is it in the megamod? Because I don't have much experience with it's structure, and I don't have the sources for it, and I think it's a silly idea to begin with, but it's basically a matter of, hmmmm....

I'm not sure how exactly it's done over there, whether he has his default weapons or not. But, err, I why don't you find whoever did it and ask him to send it to you, he's bound to have the files, or they might be in the database.

But, on the other hand it might actually be rather difficult, and I really rather wouldn't.
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I'm using these fixes, and they seem to break the NPC Appearance option in the RP for Vic. He will no longer visibly equip armor, and his walking animation seems to have changed somehow. Everyone else can equip armor and it changes their appearance just fine. Since I'm only using the RP 2.3.3 and this mod I don't see what else could have broken Vic.

(Vic's new dialogue is also poorly written and full of typos.)

Yep, it's this mod that does it. If you're using the NPC appearance option from the RP, in order for armor to be visible on Vic you need to download the script sources for this mod, uncomment all the B-Team sections in DCVIC.SSL, compile that script and put it in your scripts folder.

Or you could download the one below, which I've already compiled.


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Magnus, I recall that Crafty's unofficial update for Sfall added a seperate Armor mod for companions… just thought you wanted to know.
Crafy effectively implemented the companion appearance mod on the engine level, instead of scripting (like RP). May not be a bad idea I guess...
Depends. Scripting it gives you more control over which FID to show, no? I would guess it is a little less flexible if you do it any other way. (If you keep in mind stuff like Sulik's unique PA, etc)
Yeah, and how does it know which armor to give them? If it's by checking stats then what if a mod changes those stats?
He has it all covered by additional INI file. Something like this:


Numbers on the right are FIDs. The only problem I have with this solution is that (if I'm not mistaken) armor type is determined by hard-coded item IDs. If those were to be also externalized, that would make this feature usable with mods I think.

What do you guys think, do we need this feature in sfall?

PS: this could probably be done better by adding some hook script (or figuring out from existing ones) that will be called when you exit dialog. Just check if critter is a party member, check his armor PID, his own PID, look in the external INI file, apply new FID. And this can be packed as an independent mod, compatible with everything, thanks to register_hook_proc function.