The history of a Human Eye (that cannot see)
Okay, there are those who don't like the way the Harmony Ground thread is going along. For one thing, Harmony Ground was almost being totally ignored...with most of players out kicking Slaver butt in a mountain compound somewhere. There were tries to shift the focus back to the City, but....
It's setting it back again a little. This will now focus on the City of Harmony Grounds.
Warning: New RP'ers. Post now! But take into account the A Second to Try weren't there..
The story thus far:
Bhepin, Dutch, Luis, & Scorch had routed the main Slaver base, ending the reign of Terror this side of the Sierras.
They return back to Harmony, exultant, and still a little amazed at how they had sucessfully beaten a horrid group, while being outnumbered and outgunned twenty to one.
Bpen wondered why the reinforcements Jake promised never came. He'd been THIS close to certain Death...if only there were more people fighting on their side, they wouldn't have had much trouble.
It was with a sheer amount of pluck, luck, and a horrendous amount of timed explosives that they had managed to get out with their hides more-or-less intact.
He patted the lump in his pocket. He had scrounged around and had found the mother lode, the piled amounts of Slaver Treasure. This was blood money, born of the tears and suffering of honest people, and they had no compunction about dividing it among themselves. The dead have no need of chips, and the slaves were sold, and were far away..
Bpen suspected they would have a ruddy jolly night around town when they got back. It would be nice to have a good shot of Mensahattan (Rotgut mixed with Mentats. It has a hell of a kick, with little hangover.) being mixed in his hands, and coursing through his veins.
However, their troubles had just began.
A colum of smoke drifted high above the Walled town of Harmony, and even from afar, they could see tell-tale flashes of close-quarter explosive projectiles crumbling down the buildings of what had been a half-peaceful town.
They ran down the slopes, burdened with worry and spoils of war, and rushed heavily towards the burning City.
The Gates were closed, showing no sign of a forced entry. Louis remarked that it was locked from the inside, and the troubles were obviously from within. He tried lockpicking it, to no success. Instead, Scorch and Bpen piled upon the door oodles of Plasma greandes and dynamites, which they then ignited with concentrated shots from their pistols.
The Gates fell open, and they hoped thay wouldn't be charged for that. They entered into a scene of utter chaos, of black-hooded, gas-masked people fighting with furious men in Tesla Armor. From their vantage point, it seemed to be an even fight, the Dominion's Laser Weaponry bouncing harmlessly off their Tesla Coils, and the Guild's "Quantity over Quality" mode of thinking, I.e..a helluva lot of miniguns and burst weapons, were imeffective by the Dominion's Ballistic-force absorbing Armor.
Bpen slid an Energy Cell into his Blaster, and gritted his teeth as the pistol let out a shallow whine of Charging Up.
Something in the air told them all that this may make their Slaver Disaster look like a one-on-one with a Silver Gecko.....
I made two (similar) new maps of Harmony Ground for this...
a 22.9 k high-q color GIF and...
an 11.6 k greyscale lossless PNG
I had just figured out that JPG wasn't really the file format to use. Arrrgh. Dense. I am.
If you can't see the images, right-click and cut-paste the URL.
Okay, sorry for my taking liberties with your RP chars, guys. Please..this plot is yours..what do we do now?
I think diplomacy should play an important part in the suceeding adventures. After all, Fallout isn't always hack-&-shoot.....
Faanng...what had you planned? Please, enlighten us...
Why does the Guild and the Dominion hate each other?
Where is the Guild located?
What are they doing??!!
~cause anything less than total and utter overkill is a complete waste of time~

-it's the freakin' bluepencil!