A spin off based on "a vault dweller's first time out&q

awww, i screwed up the trolling, was fun til it last... too bad that more people didnt join in ^^ (well, was still funny seeing how seious some can be but with the stuff that's going on here at times, its not suprising :ugly: )
PowahAwemah said:

Come on this is great stuff…more please. :clap:

chapter 3: hop is in the bomb of the eye in the enclave

the washington brotha hood comes n helps the supermutants outfitted them with power armors and they are a army of frank horrigans. together with peace they attack the newly fonded enclave to drive them out of necropolis, newyork. long harded battles rage on bewteen enclave n super mutents and super mutents finally win, winning the respect of the tree walking harold with a heart of gold
