A suitible alternative to vampirism

the lone deathclaw

First time out of the vault
Lets face it, vampires do not belong in the Fallout universe, I suck at modding but here are two very viable alternatives to the bloodlines quest, what about being kidnapped by supermutants or finding where their vats are and the bridge breaks and you get dipped, intelligence obviously does not matter in this game so why not. This would have implications on the rest of the game.

The one I like better is Bethesda loves the idea of radiation yet was unwilling to take it all to the logical conclusion, the logical conclusion is this due to long term and excessive exposure to radiation you start to become a ghoul and maybe even do, like if you explore vault 87 from the surface. People would act differently to you, and you'd have to move to the Underworld exhibit at the end but the possibilities are very rich, and i mean i don't see the harm in this "ruining a story" where to be a good guy they expect you to have the vault dweller kill themself, hmm kinda like the prince...oh wait. Curious if this is possible or not.
Curious if what is possible? Becoming a Ghoul due to rad exposure? I'm sure (assuming Bethesda released the construction kit) it is possible, I know of a few mods that have a similar effect to this on Oblivion (Sorta, I guess.)
I was actually thinking about this a while ago. I was thinking of a system to make the player a ghoul and how it would work;

Of the player spends too long with high levels of radiation (like going to sleep with critical rad poisoning) , then they will start to go down the 'path of becoming a ghoul'; starts with skin cracking, then flaking until you look like any other ghoul. Heavy doses of anti-rads (the thing that reduces your rad levels) could reverse it. As you turn into a ghoul, ghouls would respond better to you, average people dislike you more, others don't care. Radiation would heal you at a rate based on how ghoul you are, and amount of radiation present.

Granted, this is all hypothetical, and very hard to do even with the proper construction set tools, and near impossible without. I thought it would be cool, but the only issue is the brotherhood is hostile to ghouls, so either they need to exempt you for some reason, or need to somehow let you complete the MQ without the brotherhood.
DrCropse said:
........reason, or need to somehow let you complete the MQ without the brotherhood.

I'd much rather see possibilities to ruin the main quest in favor of giving better immersion into a radiation ridden word, then be informed of that, so that you can reload if needed.

Or add a quest that allows healing of the ghoulism.
This sounds a lot like Morrowind, doesn't it? (I've never played Oblivion). Oh, sorry, you've killed Vivec, no matter how the hell you managed to do it. Seems like you can't complete this damn quest, you've broken the chain of prophecies, blah, blah, blah... Doesn't sound like a good idea to me, too TESish. But, after all, one man's art is another man's garbage.

No way in hell ghouls could me healed, it doesn't fit. By the way, damage done to a single cell by radiation is irreversible, and this remains true on a larger scale. But as for supermutants... there was a certain Dr Henry already, wasn't there? So I guess you could reverse turning into a supermutant. You'd have to hurry, though, otherwise you'd become too stupid and ugly-looking to have a chance to complete this quest... peacefully. People wouldn't talk to you. So, why not break into wherever they're keeping the goodie serum or whatever? 'Tis like a whole bunch of possibilities here. Neat.
Yeah i mean there is the vampire one in game and that frankly should not be unless they hired Auto the bus driver from the simpsons and his post apocalyptic busdriver who fights vampires, as a writer there is no reason this should be in here. Frankly I'd give something new say if the brotherhood hates you, if you go the evil ghoul route, kill the brotherhood and destroy project purity in fact you could make radiation work and create a DC of all ghouls. Granted many of these ideas are much bigger than they seem but i do think putting in ghoul transformation in itself would not be too epic. Maybe as a way to figure stats use the bonus penalties FOT:BOS gave for making a ghoul pc in multiplayer but i'm sure Bethseda has some stats already.
Well, you already have the ghoul mask in game which doesn't replace the helm. That sort of item could be used to implement not only ghoulification but things like slaver tatoos as well. It doesn't alter the rest of your body though, just the head.

While there may not be true vampirisim in game there certainly is cannibalism [spoiler:de64f2c663]vampirism being a watered down more cow friendly version of cannibalism[/spoiler:de64f2c663]
I think it's quite possible that you could become addicted and develop "the hunger" after consuming some human meat.
Vampires always seemed to fit into the fallout world to me. With the mechanism of mutations being a reality in fallout its not that far of a stretch. Several human diseases actually require humans to absorb more blood components to survive. Many people have to get regular blood transfusions or ingest various elements to survive. Mind you many is a overstated term. Now if this is a already existing disease and if mutation is introduced... scary but it could happen a human would begin to desire and need blood.

Mind you vampires shouldn't be based off any sort of mythological or super natural sort of disease. THAT would be stupid.
What's wrong with The Family? Cannibals who dress themselves up in pre-Apoc mythic lore in order to be feared rather than merely reviled. Seems like a pretty cool idea really. Why replace that with anything? If you want a quest to turn someone into a Ghoul/ Super-Mutant/ Alfred Lord Tennyson, make it on its own.

EDIT: Also, there's a Cannibal perk in FO3 anyway to let you eat the Long Pork you kill.
I hear a lot of people complaining about the vampires... and let's face it, they're not vampires, they're cannibals who're wannabe vampires. I think Bethesda is paying homage to "The last man on earth", which was one of the earlier depictions of post-apocalyptic earth, and yes, had vampires. Actual, stakable, vampires. Explained with Science. And its from the 50's too.

That being said, turning into a ghoul would be a fantastic addition to the story... There's the radiation perk you get from Moira. If you got more like that, you could start to transform. EXCELLENT!
Harold2 said:
I hear a lot of people complaining about the vampires... and let's face it, they're not vampires, they're cannibals who're wannabe vampires. I think Bethesda is paying homage to "The last man on earth", which was one of the earlier depictions of post-apocalyptic earth, and yes, had vampires. Actual, stakable, vampires. Explained with Science. And its from the 50's too.

That being said, turning into a ghoul would be a fantastic addition to the story... There's the radiation perk you get from Moira. If you got more like that, you could start to transform. EXCELLENT!

No no no no no! Even you got it all wrong. These are highschool goths who can't find a better way to fit into the wasteland. so they put on black makeup and suck on Clamanto all night long believing they have super vampire powers. Although these douchebags took it a step further and killed some cows while Butters West killed his family to join them cause he spent a good deal of his childhood as an overprotected PRICK, sounds like he could have used some Zoloft. The plotline was so similar to the South Park season finale it gave me Fallout flshbacks. :lol:

But on a modding note. I wouldn't even bother with this one since it's a sidequest that has little if not anything to do with the storyline. Maybe change the bloodpacks to Clamanto for laugh factor. For me, I just strolled in an shot every last one of them with no question's asked, collected my exp and continued on the real quest..

Fallout Tactics had Beastmen, which were also cannibals. They gave a sense of varied wasteland culture to the fallout series. DC has Goth cannibals, Chicago has Beastmen, and California and Nevada have their cannibalistic societies.
@chipk - It still reminds me of the movie, although I agree, they are pathetic wannabe creeps. If only you had the option to tell them in so many words... I think it needs, like the rest of the game, a vast dialogue improvement mod. And also, when you ruin the plans of Vance (Or whatever the name of the leader is) he shouldn't take it so lightly. Just like those people in Oasis and at the church of Atom accept so meekly that you've wrecked everything they've spent their lives devoted to. Doesn't anyone get angry at you in this game?
The Family more or less reminded me of the Lost Boys more than the Omega Man or Last Man on Earth.
I think it could be made clearer that they are just a bunch of loser goth cannibals.

Turning the player into a super mutant or ghoul is pushing things too far into Elder Scrolls territory.
One thing it seems to me is that The Family and Ian West are mutant freaks. "The Hunger" seems to be a mutation acquired by radiation and maybe also passed though generations, too (Vince told the people of The Family to not have offspring or they would spread their curse, there's that info in a terminal). I could bet that this happened because Ian lives near a radiated river, maybe this makes the background radiation levels of Arefu a bit higher than normal? And who knows where his water came from.

"The Hunger" may be due to the mutation: Maybe the heart does not produce all the blood necessary for the body and this forces the "Vampires" to have a strange hunger for blood, which they, in their frenzied hunger, try to acquire though cannibalism? Maybe Vance found out that blood, NOT human meat was the thing that quenched their hunger?

If someone mods the Blood Ties quest, we should try to make GOOD Science! Vampires instead of those lame goth wannabe vampires. More focus on the whole "Mutant Vampire" aspect, too.
General Malnutrition(loss of muscle mass, lack of essential nutrients) --> Iron Deficiency Anemia (Causes greenish skin, lack of energy) --> Pica (disorder involving consuming non-food substances to satisfy need for dietary nutrients, in this case blood which is high in iron) = people who look like corpses and drink blood.

Voila, vampires. No need for radiation to explain them.

However, you're overlooking one key problem: there are no Hot Topics in the world after the bombs.

And, the vampires in FO3 are dolled up cannibals with a code of ethics that would make Anne Rice proud.