It's certainly better than your first try. Which is good. Means you learn from your mistakes.
Here are a couple of things that need work:
- the woman's head: not the fact that she's ugly, that doesn't bother me, but the shape of her head, think away those goggles, that leaves her with a forehead the size of Mount Everest
- the oildrum with goo: doesn't look like a metal cylinder, it's too thick
- the pile of rubbage, although the colours are good, it just looks too organic, like a blob, some grey organism
- the light/shadow on the woman's jumpsuit: don't use that much white/grey to achieve your result. Use different shades of blue to get the shadows right and only use a little white, if necessary, to show the lightest areas (it works well on curves - shoulder, titty, elbow, knee- not on surfaces)
- her left arm looks a little contorted
But it's a good second try, Angrim. You'll get there eventually.