A white Christmas for the great NW... eh?!


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Something were not used to up here in the Puget Sound Lowlands... Snow on Christmas?! Snow in general is generally an oddity here.

Here is a snap shot an hour ago, there is about 1.5 to 2 inches (5cm?) now, this photo reflected the initial downpour of snow.


How common is snow on the 25th of December where you live? Is it so common, that its an inconvenience?
We used to have snow on Christmas, and until three months after that; in '05 (if I remember correctly) we had snow till April. This year it rained, with a temperature of about 5-10 degrees celsius. But it really doesn't matter to me - I've always disliked the winter.
God damn, this is strange. Over here in the cold land of Estonia, where snowdragons be, we always have snow in the winter. Except this year there was no snow on Christmas. A little snow fell a few hours ago so, hopefully, we'll have a white new year. Not that I like snow, I hate it, actually. All wet and....wet.
"Itz dem cotton pickin democrats and their global warmmin machine!!!"
Yeah, this sucks. It was the same last year... i mean, we DID have some kind of snow, for a day or so. It was thinner than a single hair, and hard as stone, though, so i dunno if it even counts.
Maphusio said:
How common is snow on the 25th of December where you live? Is it so common, that its an inconvenience?

Horrendously unlikely, given it's Australia, and has never once snowed in the middle of Winter, even though it is Summer right here...

I understand that the podunk garage-sale-cum-city that I'm currently living in actually saw a miraculous Christmas (as in, December 25, step-right-up one-day-only) snowfall two years back, as has been known to happen once or twice a decade around that time here in southeast Texas. This year, though, nada... the weather's been banefully schizophrenic, but never cold enough for snow or even slush. Today, the highs were in the sixties.

TwinkieGorilla said:
dammit, i hate the south!

Amen, Twink. Amen.
Oh it snowed around my parts...

So much so that I built myself a Nietzschian snowman from what fell around here.

It stood at 8 feet tall and scared the neighbors with it's icy iron stare...

Unfortunately, it rained yesterday and destroyed it.
Meh. Snow comes in February over here, normally. For a few days. Then it goes again. The rest of the winter we have sleet and stuff, and the rest of the year we have rain.

Rule Britannia.
we had a tiny bit of snow here.

lets say it snows on christmas like once every five years.
and snows in general about once every two years.
I live about 100 km from the Arctic circle. Figure it out for yourself.

It's been unexpectedly warm though. Global warming is starting to show. Doesn't matter, at least I won't have to spend more money on winter clothing.
Compared to last year (rain, temperatures over 0 almost all of the time), this winter is as winter should be - we got over 10 centimeters of snow over the last several days, and it doesn't seem it wants to stop there. Plus, the temperatures are around -5 °C so it doesn't melt.

When winter turns out properly, it's one of the most beautiful parts of the year for me. Be it walking in the snow or looking at it from a warm home, it's just awesome.
Global warming is a problem here up north. Nature is f*cked up, like in fallout universe. No snow again in christmas... i'm starting to get used to this :(
With the dark winters upp here in the north the place becomes even darker when there is no snow to reflect the little light we have. Rainy christmas this year aswell.
twenty years ago it could be snowing on 17th of may here... Now there's hardly any snow at all any time of the year.
Well, up until mid November even Winterpeg was doing pretty good, then it hit -40C and we all remembered why we hate winter in the praries.

I must admit it is unseasonably warm, however the amount of snow this year is on par with normal years, nearly buried me in my house at least once already.
Maphusio said:
How common is snow on the 25th of December where you live? Is it so common, that its an inconvenience?

They only cold thing here in Brazil's northeast is beer. Hot sun, beach and beer... guess where Santa goes 26th of december?
