A white Christmas for the great NW... eh?!

Mikey said:
Meh. Snow comes in February over here, normally. For a few days. Then it goes again. The rest of the winter we have sleet and stuff, and the rest of the year we have rain.

Rule Britannia.

Note: Were on an almost identical weather get up pattern thingie. :wink:

The Overseer said:
I live about 100 km from the Arctic circle. Figure it out for yourself.

It's been unexpectedly warm though. Global warming is starting to show. Doesn't matter, at least I won't have to spend more money on winter clothing.

If the receding snow and ice unearths a stargate... let me know would yu? Cheyenne Mountain can only take so much of my Moth-Man Prophecy conspericy like calls.
People who deny climate change, no matter the causes, at this point, are retarded.
The Overseer said:
I live about 100 km from the Arctic circle. Figure it out for yourself.

It's been unexpectedly warm though. Global warming is starting to show. Doesn't matter, at least I won't have to spend more money on winter clothing.

The Overseer said:
People who deny climate change, no matter the causes, at this point, are retarded.


Historic maximums

The last solar maximum was in 2001, and on March 10, 2006 NASA researchers announced that the next cycle would be the strongest since the historic maximum in 1958 in which northern lights could be seen as far south as Mexico. [1] This projection was based on research done by Mausumi Dikpati of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).

The sun takes about 11 years to go from one solar maximum to another and 22 years to complete a full cycle (where the magnetic charge on the poles is the same).


Opponents either maintain that most scientists consider global warming "unproved," dismiss it altogether, or decry the dangers of consensus science

You believe what you will, but you don't go callin' me no shit, k?
Or do I have to babble on about how we had snow in July here in Sweden 35 years or so ago?

I don't deny the "climate changes" but I do "deny" their so called causes, the fuckers just want more money for their "research".
Mettle said:
I don't deny the "climate changes" but I do "deny" their so called causes, the fuckers just want more money for their "research".

In any case, I would hope that "fuckers" the world over could be made to understand that "scientists" who are far "better equipped" to grasp the "issue" than "average joes" and "politiicians" need "funding" to find out all they can about what, at worst, could be a "very serious problem" that might be "stopped" or even "reversed" by changes in human behavior, and at the least is an "interesting natural phenomenon" that we "don't often get a chance to study" and "would contribute vastly to a more complete body of knowledge on the way our world works" if we could establish a "solid understanding" of it.

Also, "why" are we "doing this" with the "quotation marks?"
Yamu said:
Also, "why" are we "doing this" with the "quotation marks?"

Because my vocabulary is lacking in some places, and to mark things that I think is nonsence. Ie;

"Climate changes"; Part of the shitstorm that is our climate, it ALWAYS changes - for better or worse.

"deny"; Did'nt know what word to use there, I don't have caffeine or nicotine in my system. :/

"Research"; PARTIE! No, seriously though, I have a bunch of friends (In Chalmers) that I socialize with regularly, and only one of them buys the most common theory of CO2 emissions being part of the climate change.

Once they read up on the subject with excisiting information themselves that is.

Hope you understand what I mean now. :)
Heh... sorry. Didn't mean to go all grammar Nazi there. You demonstrate a firm grounding in English that caused me to assume that you had a strong grip on the finer points. I assure you, I wouldn't have poked at you if I had had indications to the contrary. Thank you for taking it so graciously, and I apologize.

As far as your friends at Chalmers go, yes, opinions within the scientific community, just as within the population at large, are split, but among scientists they tend to vary in shades that are much more subtle and many of the eggheads that aren't on the Inconvenient Truth bandwagon still hold it very likely that human causes are at least partially responsible for our current climate issues. I don't want to say much more on the issue though, for fear that we draw the attention of the dreaded Split Monster. Might even be the Split/Vat Monster, considering how many times we here at NMA have ritually flogged this particular dead horse in the past.
Yamu said:
Heh... sorry. Didn't mean to go all grammar Nazi there. You demonstrate a firm grounding in English that caused me to assume that you had a strong grip on the finer points. I assure you, I wouldn't have poked at you if I had had indications to the contrary. Thank you for taking it so graciously, and I apologize.

As far as your friends at Chalmers go, yes, opinions within the scientific community, just as within the population at large, are split, but among scientists they tend to vary in shades that are much more subtle and many of the eggheads that aren't on the Inconvenient Truth bandwagon still hold it very likely that human causes are at least partially responsible for our current climate issues. I don't want to say much more on the issue though, for fear that we draw the attention of the dreaded Split Monster. Might even be the Split/Vat Monster, considering how many times we here at NMA have ritually flogged this particular dead horse in the past.

No worries, I no offence take. :lol:

Yes, very true, I edited it out, but edited it back in to not make you look bad, I did'nt want to sound snobbish, hehehehe. That being said, shades of grey is alot of what we humans bring to the scene, and I'm not ashamed to say that if they come up with some scientific proof that I can't dispute with anything else, I'll stand corrected.

I don't think it's a bad thing either to lower emissions, I love fresh air, but we'll leave it at that.
I knew this would heat into this type of debate... I believe creating this topic earned me 23 Dark Side points... Now I have to load my last save and do the mission over...
I'm not delving into the causes for climate change, I'm just saying it's happening, temporary or not. Solar maximum or global warming, pick a choice.