Would it be possible to turn a random encounter in to a permanent location on the worldmap ?
It doesnt even have to pop up on the city name tag list, like some of the special encounters. (Cafe of dreams ?)
I am truly amazed at scenery of allot of the new random encounters, Pixote did a great job at breathing life into the wasteland.
But today there was more to it, on my way to vault city I got a random encounter with 7 or 8 radscorpions.
After the fight I just wanted to leave to the nearest exit grid but right before the grid I started to notice how big this area was & what was actually on it.
There was a small house, behind the house there was a little generator giving the small house its life.. energy.
Nearby were a couple brahim grazing on some patches of dirt close to a well.
Artifacts from the ancient world in the form of a truck & a car were also there, mayby at one time stull usable or just being used for old parts or decoration ... who knowes.
The whole property was being fenced & fortified by large sheetmetal plates and had a nice big entrance.
I wanted this to be my home, a place where I can drop off Cassidy so he can have a rest when his hart is acting up again.
While hes resting he can watch over the house & brahim using his sniper rifle.
The original owners were not there, mayby the scorpions were to much to handle for em or something else happenend..
I dont know, I just know they were in a rush because the left some valuable things behind.
If theyd been there I would have made them a generous offer for this property.
So, is it actually possible to transform a random encounter location into a permant location one could revisit ?
Im also thinking about those special caves that are full with powerfull humanoid critters using high end weaponry.
After the battle you could use those caves as hideouts for stashing loot in the lockers.
Im using double the item weight on almost all the items in game so this would be really nice.
More like how one would act during a time where carrying or stashing all your valuables in one place or on yourself is not always the best option.
Also, even a wanderer of the waste sometimes needs a place to call his own I guess.. & if a house is to much 'home' for him I guess those awesome nomadic tents ive seen in some encounters would do just fine !!
Bye !
& anybody's thoughts or feelings about this or home related subjects in the waste are really welcome.
Before this I always used some existing building as my home & I always wondered if someone else was doing this too.
It doesnt even have to pop up on the city name tag list, like some of the special encounters. (Cafe of dreams ?)
I am truly amazed at scenery of allot of the new random encounters, Pixote did a great job at breathing life into the wasteland.
But today there was more to it, on my way to vault city I got a random encounter with 7 or 8 radscorpions.
After the fight I just wanted to leave to the nearest exit grid but right before the grid I started to notice how big this area was & what was actually on it.
There was a small house, behind the house there was a little generator giving the small house its life.. energy.
Nearby were a couple brahim grazing on some patches of dirt close to a well.
Artifacts from the ancient world in the form of a truck & a car were also there, mayby at one time stull usable or just being used for old parts or decoration ... who knowes.
The whole property was being fenced & fortified by large sheetmetal plates and had a nice big entrance.
I wanted this to be my home, a place where I can drop off Cassidy so he can have a rest when his hart is acting up again.
While hes resting he can watch over the house & brahim using his sniper rifle.
The original owners were not there, mayby the scorpions were to much to handle for em or something else happenend..
I dont know, I just know they were in a rush because the left some valuable things behind.
If theyd been there I would have made them a generous offer for this property.
So, is it actually possible to transform a random encounter location into a permant location one could revisit ?
Im also thinking about those special caves that are full with powerfull humanoid critters using high end weaponry.
After the battle you could use those caves as hideouts for stashing loot in the lockers.
Im using double the item weight on almost all the items in game so this would be really nice.
More like how one would act during a time where carrying or stashing all your valuables in one place or on yourself is not always the best option.
Also, even a wanderer of the waste sometimes needs a place to call his own I guess.. & if a house is to much 'home' for him I guess those awesome nomadic tents ive seen in some encounters would do just fine !!
Bye !
& anybody's thoughts or feelings about this or home related subjects in the waste are really welcome.
Before this I always used some existing building as my home & I always wondered if someone else was doing this too.