A Xbox 360 or a PS3?

The Dutch Ghost

Grouchy old man of NMA
Hello all,

In general consoles aren't really my thing, I am a PC man tru and tru since 1995, but I have always had a console aside for the days that I couldn't play a game on the PC or was in the mood for something different.

I bought a Wii in 2007 to play Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (great game BTW) but for the rest the thing has been one major disappointment so I have started looking into the other two competitors.

Xbox360 vs Playstation 3

The technical issues aside, I know that the current Xbox360 models have a serious overheating problem and that the PS3 is a very expensive piece of hardware (the models worth getting), which console in you people's opinion offers the most gaming fun?

I know it also depends on the assortment of games for it but both have a couple of good games so that is not really the matter.

Also, does anyone know of any upcoming new consoles?
Ehr, I honestly didn't want to start some kind of console war rant.

I was just curious which console would be the best to get, not start an on going dispute which console is superior.
I have both.

PS3 is far superior when it comes to quality, craftsmanship plus form and function. Unfortuantely the PS3 has very few games worth playing.

360 - well, it has games worth playing. It's new GUI has improved IMMENSELY but attempts to emulate the Wii too much. It still falls short in may categories. One could argue that it preceeded the PS3 but, not by much so its kind of a moot point.

In short, if you want to just play games "here and now" go for the 360. If you want added functionality such as a web browser, blue ray and superior hardware, go PS3... Sony built it, so eventually, the games will come... I think that's what the Bible said.
I agree with Maphusio. One has more games, the other is a better system. Also, for 2009, PS3 library looks much better so far. However, one thing to keep in mind is that the PS3's are not backward compatible at all anymore.
I say the 360 because that shit got Tetris bro.
And if the PS3 has Tetris (I ain't noticed it) then that shit be good too.

Whichever one has the better Tetris.

EDIT: Wurd, I looked that noise up and the PS3 ain't got no Tetris, looks like it's the 360 bro, also, I saw this while looking up if it got any Tetris on Yahoo Answers.

i dont think so. why do you like teris, its not a really good game...........

I would like to say that there is really no real price difference if you consider online play, which is free on PS3, and not so free on 360.
This should probably be your first step.



Which one interest you more?

After that you can get into other things such as the extra bells and whistles,online services,cost,reliability,etc.

Xbox Live is presented better and has more features than PSN. However when it comes down to it you can play games on the Playstation Network for no price what so ever and it works just as good as Xbox Live.

Also what is your favorite game genres? If you even slightly like FPS games and decide to get a PS3 you HAVE to get Killzone 2.
No lie I have not had this much fun with an FPS game since the days of Goldeneye on the N64.
Personally, I play my PS3 a lot more than I do my 360.

It might be because of games like Metal Gear Solid 4 and Disgaea 3 that I've played for more than 400 hours combined, but after my 360 kicked the bucket and I sent it in to get fixed, I noticed that I really had no desire to plug it in anymore.

The only game release in the future I've actually considered playing on my 360 is Mass Effect 2, mostly because I'm interested to see how my actions as a Loose Cannon Space Racist affect the cosmos.

Probably not much, since there's really only 8 major flags that the game could track.

Ugh, I'm rambling again.
I have a PS3, and I love it. With so few exclusives anymore, game libraries are very similar. With PS3 you get a built in Blu-Ray player (yahoo!) and awesomeness like Killzone 2, MGS4, Little Big Planet, and Gran Turismo 5: Prologue.
Yeah the "no games" argument does not fly anymore. Back in 2006 it was a very real issue but these days the PS3 has enough quality exclusives to hold its own against the 360.
Many 360 exclusives come to PC at some point, so you might wanna take that into consideration too, if you have a decent PC.
I have a good PC + Wii and PS3 and don't feel like I'm missing out on anything.
If you already own a gaming pc then you should go for the ps3. because most of the 360 exclusives will eventually be released for the pc too.(mass effect, Gears Of War, Lost Planet, Fable 2(soon) and ...). But ps3 exclusives usually stay an exclusive. besides PS3 has a much better line up in 2009. there are also games like Uncharted, MGS4, Killzone 2 that you definitely shouldn't miss. there also a lot of other good exclusives for the ps3 out there.(Valkyria Chronicles, Siren: Blood Curse, Heavenly Sword, Resistance 1 & 2 and ...).

Also, if you are buying a ps3 you should go for the 80 GB version since they have a better hardware then other versions(both cpu and gpu use 65nm chips).
so i hope i could have helped you with that. :)
also note that xbox live is much more fun and has lots of remade classics and psn doesn't offer that much, but instead it's free when it comes to multiplayer games and such.

EDIT: heh, PlanHex ninja'd me :D. but see! even he is mentioning the thing i said about the pc :)
Depends, if you are low on cash I wouldn't buy any, if cash is not a matter, and you have plenty of time I'd say xbox360, if you have cash, but not so much time I say go for the ps3. Got also a blueraydrive, so even if the games disappoint you, this thing is useful after all (not like the wii or xbox).

but personaly, I'd save the money. If you must, wait for the next generation, xbox & ps3 are already outdated (wii always was), we just don't notice so much because most developers lower the pc-graphics so they can also sell it on a console (hello fallout)
Id have to add my vote for ps3, if you have up to date gaming pc.
Many xbox only titles will propably end up for pc also.
I honestly got my PS3 for only one thing really and that was MGS4, aside from that it has almost no other titles that interest me that 360 doesn't have.

Also, I can't stand PSN, if I ever play any CoD or Resistance it lags horribly and noone has a microphone so there goes the entire teamwork aspect, people say that PSN is better because it's free, well, you get what you pay for, PSN is free thus alot of the time games run terribly, Live is 50$ for a year subscription however the money people pay for those subscriptions and the such goes toward maintaining Live and all its features.

Meh, honestly, both the consoles run well, 360s are rarely having RROD anymore thanks to all new consoles having different hardware in them, and PS3s are no longer catching fire thanks to something new in them, both play games well, both run well, it just kinda boils down to what games you really wanna play, for me 360 just has better online support and has more exclusives I like.
Hello guys,

Thanks for the responses.

generalissimofurioso, well as you can see, I am caving in.
It is really frustrating not having been able to get a new PC game in quite some time.

Roflcore, do you know which consoles are currently in development by the various companies?

The Playstation 3 definitely seems to be in favor here amongst you all, but its as some of you say; it depends on which games you like.

A lot of 'exclusive' Xbox360 games do seem to come to the PC after a while so I should focus on titles that will remain exclusive to it.

I am going to give it some thought.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Roflcore, do you know which consoles are currently in development by the various companies?

Depends on how much stock you put into rumors. The number 2012 gets thrown around a lot when talking about a possible next gen launch.


I doubt you will see much of a graphical or technological leap as you did with last gen moving to current gen. I
also would not be surprised if you did not see the "current gen" of consoles last longer as developers play it safe with the economy the way it is.

Sony has promised a 10 year life span on the PS3. The PS2 is approaching that mark and still has a great deal of support from Sony so I would not be surprised to see it happen.