A Zeta perk

Per said:
Guys, it's glue. Of course it's going to make items work better, by making their parts stick together.

Yeah, a bit of a glue and my Tesla Canon works like a new one :mrgreen:

Wonder when they'll come up with a perk that gives you god-like powers?

Perk "Godlike!"

Some higher entity in Heavens, put a permanent blessing on you. It gives you 100% chances to get a critical hit without using VATS! No matter what weapon you use!
Also, you shoot lazers from your mouth!
They made Ghoul Ecology so sloppy (instead of +5 weapon damage to ghouls, it gives +5 damage per shot vs every enemy, making burst weapons much stronger - minigun has double damage, and it should have about +7% damage)! They should test all their weapons and perks, it's not taking much time. I can't believe a company so famous made such a mistake, it's like having an unavoidable and easily fixable bug which prevents you to complete the main quest.

I hope this perk is not as broken. Come on, guys, the Auto Axe perk was very good. I mean, very unbad. You can keep it this way!

And if Cryo Grenade has a limited number, like the Bio-Gas Canister, then it's as broken too.

Obviously, they could have used the time to create one or two useless location(s) in Point:Lookout to fix these issues. Isn't that hard to think of.
"It increases the damage you do with alien weapons, including the Alien Blaster if the player had found that in the wasteland."

Because, you know, the Alien Blaster wasn't powerful enough. :roll:

@patriot_41: Yay! A kitty! :D
Per said:
"It increases the damage you do with alien weapons, including the Alien Blaster if the player had found that in the wasteland."</blockquote>Also, there is "Alien Epoxy" tech. It heals items. Who can wait?

oh wow. wow. cool. wow. no really, wow. cool. wow. as if the Alien Blaster wasn't an overpowered kiddie toy already. wow. cool. no wait, ok, wow. wow. Bethesda, the creativity astounds. astonishes.

nobody can match.


I hope you can pilot the space ship. Would be nice to finally have vehicles within the game. And the screenshots look interesting, it could make for some interesting modding possibilities if it's set in outer space.
TamaNeko said:
I hope you can pilot the space ship. Would be nice to finally have vehicles within the game. And the screenshots look interesting, it could make for some interesting modding possibilities if it's set in outer space.

I hardly think that would ever be a possibility. And even if it could, i can only imagine it being something as royally smooth and fun as Oblivion's horseback riding. Sounds bethexciting, for sure.
I think Bethesda can if they stop being lazy. Modders have already created several vehicle mods with the OA tank, a motorbike and hovercraft.
TamaNeko said:
I hope you can pilot the space ship.
Don't count on it. Fallout 3's ground and scenery textures already look ugly from 10 meters height, so imagine what they look like from a UFO's altitude.
Wow that extra damage perk will come in handy! Rather than one shotting Deathclaws I'll be able to... one shot Deathclaws.
Man that is so awesome.

Saying that unarmoured hillbillies will probably still take a clips worth to kill them.
When can we get the automatic health restoration ?
And endless ammo ?
And flying ?
And god mode ?
And ability to kill any NPC by pressing a button ?
Also, werent they worried about unbalancing the game with larger level cap ? Didnt it occur to them that self-repairing weapons MIGHT unbalance the game ? (more)

And also, i must congratulate Bethesda for their creative perks.
Patton89 said:
And ability to kill any NPC by pressing a button ?

Like the 'fire' for example. No, wait, that would mean, that some quests have to be solvable without the Unkillables. No, we can't have this.
Cimmerian Nights said:
They are so uninspired - all skill boosts. Way to lower the bar Todd.
You know Todd isn't even in charge of DLC right? Jeff Gardiner is.
Also there are plenty of damage boosts to go with the skill boosts.
Jeff Gardiner on William S. Burroughs

Interviewer: So, you're reworking Naked Lunch as a...let me know if I'm getting this right...a hard-boiled pulp-action novella?

Jeff: Yes, that is correct. We purchased the rights to the Beat Generation and the first author we decided to re-work was William Burroughs.

Interviewer: Yes, ok I understand that...let me just...ok. Let me start over. Why are you taking one of the most experimental pieces of popular literature and watering it down into a meaningless straight-forward bit of fluff?

Jeff: (mumbling) nobody can match us, hahaha. nobody! you wanna match us? too bad! nobody can! hahahahlolhaha!

Interviewer: Umm...Jeff?

Jeff: (snaps back to attention) Oh! Sorry! My head was somewhere else! So uh...what was the question? Oh yes, um...why do we re-work it? Well...a few years ago I was given Naked Lunch as a Christmas present from my father. At first I was all like "WTF is this? A book, lol!" and my father said something like "Yes. There's nothing quite like the smell of a book and texture of the paper as you turn the pages" or something and i was like "WTF Dad, LOL!" So anyway I take the book to my job and show Todd and Emil and they were like "LOL! You got a book for Christmas!? Idiot! We got Playstations, LOL!" but they each read it anyway but then a few days later Todd was like "Dude, it makes NO sense. What can we do with this? Huh? Our fans will never read this!" Man! I was soooo bummed! I walked over to Emil to find that he didn't even read it! He said he was sorry but he gave it to Pete and Pete got so mad at the book for not making sense that he punched it in half. So that's when we knew we had to really make this book READABLE, you know?

Interviewer: (wrists slit, bleeding to death)

Jeff: LOL! U R in Teh INterzones!!!!
i wrote Playstations because aren't they the most pathetic of all platforms? hell, i don't fucking know. i haven't owned a console since N64 and i pretty much hate all videogames outside of Fallout 1 & 2.