About cover

Your companions use you as cover. Cover used in this way is fully destructible.
I'm afraid he's not. Only melee companions don't use you as a cover but you can use as much.
And people says that this is outdated, we have fully destructible cover. You can't see how far your torso flies after a shotgun blast.
To answer this question for real this time:

You can only use cover like other TB shooters (old x-com, *not new*/ Jagged Alliance(2)). Cover is anything that breaks line of sight. For example you spend 1 AP to move 1 hex, shoot, and then 1 AP to move back and break LOS again. Like for example a doorway or the corner of a building. You cannot shoot from cover.
Actually, I have seen both party-member NPCs and critters taking shots meant for my PCs. Is this cover, or simply a critical miss scenario? In either case, I always try to put somebody between me and at least some of the shooters. :wink: