about fallout 3


First time out of the vault
So first, not a rad bait (whatever they are, i'm assuming points, so i don't need them) second, not a troll account. Addressing those because i've seen those accusations. So i've got some questions and some stuff to gripe about. Is this one of the reasons you dislike 'some' fallout 3 fans? because when they post it usually boils down to ''ur just nostalgia blinded, ur a toxic echochamber, you won't respect my opinion?, good game reviews so ur wrong, it's objectively good, etc.'' one of the weirdest ones i read if memory serves was a post about why people didn't like fallout 3 and someone said something like ''but you don't talk about new Vegas's flaws.'' as if it made sense to instead of answering the topic randomly criticize new Vegas. By the way, posting poor arguments for 3 ridden with passive aggressive jabs is like if i went on a rant on a bethesda fan site about how bad 3 is. Funny story: gamefaqs topic nma is a joke they blabbered about how toxic you are, accused anyone who didn't join in on their hate circle jerk of being a troll from here, and iirc, one of them said the mods here eat crackers with sperm on them. So in essence: allegedly hating 3 just because they aren't 1 or 2? Toxic. Having a hate circle jerk and saying mods eat sperm crackers? Family friendly. Anyway, i don't mind fallout 3 because i'm simple. I enjoyed the guns and 3d gore. Never played the first two. Thing is, fallout 3 gave me what i wanted, new Vegas matched the gore, gave me more guns, and so much more. Credit to someone on the site norzan was it? For not shutting up about how great new Vegas was. It's why i tried it. Sorry if i don't respond in this thread, i've got some bad asocial problems. Working on it though.
I think I understand your post but please learn to break up your thoughts better. Yeah I've always thought it was pretty hypocritical of the community to act like NV lovers are all toxic and then turn around and do the exact same thing for 3/4 etc. Me not liking your favorite vidoegame is not a personal attack on you.

I know this place gets a bad rep as far as toxicity goes but its mostly just a remnant of the old internet age where everything was "toxic". We can talk about whether or not it was good that that era is over, that we really were just too mean beofre or that people are just too sensitive nowadays or somewhere in between but I think its wrong to single this place out for it.
I think I understand your post but please learn to break up your thoughts better. Yeah I've always thought it was pretty hypocritical of the community to act like NV lovers are all toxic and then turn around and do the exact same thing for 3/4 etc. Me not liking your favorite vidoegame is not a personal attack on you.

I know this place gets a bad rep as far as toxicity goes but its mostly just a remnant of the old internet age where everything was "toxic". We can talk about whether or not it was good that that era is over, that we really were just too mean beofre or that people are just too sensitive nowadays or somewhere in between but I think its wrong to single this place out for it.
thanks for the advice. I'm not too skilled at conversing with people. It's a good sign you didn't immediately tell me to kill myself. Reddit and gamefaqs made out like you'd castrate me for not playing fallout 1 or 2.

This basically to all fans of Fallout 3 that whine that me and others don't like the game.

You are correct that complaining about complainers while stanning for the games that are being criticized is basically another circlejerk.

Reddit and gamefaqs made out like you'd castrate me for not playing fallout 1 or 2.
People outside of this forum never seem to understand (and they don't bother to try and just follow a bandwagon) is that we don't give a shit if people like the Bethesda Fallouts. I don't care if they do even if some people here seem to get the wrong impression.

What is an actual problem is the second people start to throw basically what you said that people throw at people like me like "You just hate Bethesda" and "You are blinded by nostalgia for the first two games" and so to try to make me and other seem immature in our criticisms of Bethesda games. Which is incredibly juvenile when people shouldn't give a shit. Me not liking your game shouldn't matter to you.

I will add that is pretty hilarious and highly hypocritcal to whine that some people don't like the Bethesda Fallouts and turn around and heavily criticize the first two games for their gameplay and graphics.
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thanks for the advice. I'm not too skilled at conversing with people. It's a good sign you didn't immediately tell me to kill myself. Reddit and gamefaqs made out like you'd castrate me for not playing fallout 1 or 2.
Kill yourself but first I'd like to castrate you.